Stenbrough - Dinner

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Basically, all 3 couples are having a dinner together at Stan and Bill's. It'll be in 3 parts.
*Stan's POV*
"Stanley Denbrough, you look great! Don't say you don't!" Bill exclaims. I lean over to kiss Bill before our surrogate little girl, Emily steps in between us.
"Daddy, when is cousin Aubrey coming?" She asks me, tugging on my shirt.
"Soon, Emily." I tell her. I pick her up and I bring her to her room. I dress her in her favorite sundress.
"Stan, Emily, Uncle Richie, Uncle Eddie, and cousin Aubrey are here!" Bill shouts. Emily goes running out. Bill comes into Emily's room.
"How are you feeling, Babe? I know your anxiety has been acting up." Bill asks.
"I'm feeling better, Honey." I tell him.
"Billy Boy, Staniel, we're here and so are Will and Mike!" Richie yells. We walk out and open the door. Mike, Will, their son, David, and their daughter Bella walk in. David and Bella are twins. All of our kids are the same age so that's good. Bill and I get everyone settled. We look over at Richie and Eddie making out.
"How does Aubrey deal with that everyday?" I ask Will. He smiles.

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