The creators

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A world different from our own, ruled by five magical beings who call themselves the creators, was being invaded by demons the same way, many centuries later demons would invade earth. On the day the demon portal opened in their world, the creators had no way to defend themselves. While they had the power to create anything, the creation of anything required time and knowledge understanding of what they were creating.

While all their creations were being slaughtered every day with no means of fighting back, the creators had retreated far to the other side of the world from the demon portal. After a two months of demons destroying everything they had built, they had finally created their warriors able to use the energy covering their world that the creators used to create them, as a weapon. These warriors were able to take their world back from the demons and when they got to the portal, the creators learned of a way to close it, and gave this ability to the warriors.

With that war over, the creators had concluded that their way of life would have to change, they had to be ready to fight any Invaders, be it demons, or anything else that would want to kill them, or their creations. They created more of these warriors, and called them guardians, and their minds were reshaped to protect any living being created, from anything that seems to kill them, and to serve the mages as they see fit.

They were right to prepare, a few months after closing the demon portal, another one appeared and demons started coming again. After centuries of fighting demons, something unexpected happened, the demon portal opened on a different world, a world called by it's dominating species "Earth". The creator who had learned this was named Epsilon. He had his own portal to other worlds created many years ago, and the day the portal opened on Earth he was in America. Epsilon saw the event on the news and knowing the extent of Earth's capabilities, he knew they will need help, So he headed back to his own world to get it.

Epsilon emerged from the portal in his temple and closed it behind him. He called the guardians protecting his land to his temple, where he wanted to send them all to Earth. With his army gathered before him, Epsilon said, "Our enemy has invaded another world, with the same goals they've always had! As I speak, they are slaughtering the people of Earth and those people won't survive without our help! That's why I want you all to go through this portal and fight for Earth!" To his surprise none of the guardians wanted to go, they all just stood in place disobeying a direct order.

"Is this really surprising?" A voice behind him said, "You give your guardians the ability to refuse your orders, you tell them to value life, and now you're surprised that they won't go on a mission that would more than likely end in their deaths?" It was Beta, who was the first creator to show up just to see why Epsilon was calling people over. Epsilon sighed and replied to Beta, "I believed that, if I teach them to value life, they would learn to value more than just their own, it seems I was wrong." Delta had arrived saying, "Do you think that they're wrong to put their lives ahead of others? I'm assuming you weren't planning to go risk your own life to fight the demons either, knowing that you would probably die doing so." To this Epsilon replied, "I want to save earth from the demons, but I don't have what it takes to fight against them, the guardians were created to protect all living beings, they were given the ability to protect them, if they don't do it, they are not worthy of the powers they have been given!" Gamma had just arrived along with Alpha and said, "But they are protecting all living beings that we have created, the ones we specifically made the guardians for, we didn't make them for beings of other worlds." At this point Epsilon started to see that his people were not as good as they made themselves out to be as he raised his voice to say, "OUR CREATIONS ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN OTHER LIVING BEINGS! WE CLAIM TO BE BETTER THAN DEMONS, BUT AS THEY SLAUGHTER INNOCENT PEOPLE, YOU ARE KNOWINGLY LETTING IT HAPPEN WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" That's when Alpha said, "You say we're no better than demons? We created this world, we created it's environments, we created it's inhabitants! Demons can only destroy and kill, that alone is proof that we are better. The better question is, do the people of Earth deserve to live more than us, or our creations? The answer is obvious."

Their continued arguing was interrupted when Alpha said, "What are you doing?!" Everyone turned to see a guardian trying to open the portal to earth. Epsilon approached the guardian and asked, "Guardian 121, do you want to help Earth?" She turned to face Epsilon, removed her helmet and nodded. Alpha got angry and said, "Don't be absurd, on Earth you don't have an infinite supply of energy, you'll be dead in less than a day!" Epsilon put his hand on the guardian's shoulder, feeling what was going through her mind he said, "Even knowing that, you're still willing to go?" The guardian nodded again. Epsilon prepared to open a portal to Earth.

Alpha was not happy with what was happening, he said to Epsilon, "STOP THIS! IF YOU LET HER GO TO EARTH, SHE WILL DIE, AND HER DEATH WILL BE YOUR FAULT!" Epsilon turned to Alpha and replied, "If she does, She'll do so proving that she's better than any of you, and your creations. I wish I could send more guardians to earth, there would be better odds of victory that way, but I can't do that because everyone else here is a selfish coward."

Before the portal could be opened, three of Alpha's guardians rushed in the temple to restrain guardian 121. As one of them grabbed her arm, she pulled it away and flew up to the ceiling, but was knocked out of the air when another guardian jumped at her from behind and tackled her to the ground, holding her down while the other two restrained her. Epsilon shouted in anger, "WHAT ARE YOU DONG!? LET HER GO NOW!" As they were dragging guardian 121 away, Alpha said to Epsilon, "I will not let you kill even one of our people, just so you could pretend to be better than me!" He ordered his guardians to take guardian 121 to his temple, and left to go there himself. As Epsilon was frustrated not knowing what to do, he looked at the other creators. Confused Beta said, "Don't look at me, I'm not taking any part in any of your nonsense." The other creators didn't say anything, and everyone left for their own lands.

Guardian 121 was surrounded by three of Alpha's guardians, one holding a chain restraining her arms, one holding a chain restraining her legs, and one holding a chain restraining her wings. Alpha stood in front of her, as she looked at him with anger, because he stopped her from protecting living beings, in her mind, he is responsible for all lives lost while she is chained up. Alpha held her sword in his hands and said, "Why are you so eager to get yourself killed? What has Epsilon made you into? Why would he create someone so willing to die?"

He ordered his guardians to remove her armor. When one of them tried to take it off, guardian 121 looked at him and the armor disappeared with a blue flash of light, leaving her in regular clothing. Seeing what she was wearing Alpha was confused and said, "Why did he give you clothes that would never be seen unless you removed your armor? Does this mean you don't always wear it?" His frustration was visible to Delta who just showed up saying, "You know, unlike you, Epsilon makes his guardians to be more than just his protectors, he wants them to have their own minds, and their own will. This one is no different, perhaps she doesn't like wearing armor, considering how she looks, I can't blame her for wanting to show off." Alpha was angered by this and said, "Epsilon and his dumb ideas... You think she wants to go get herself killed, because Epsilon made her suicidal?"

Guardian 121 was just standing there with her expression getting more frustrated, unable to run, unable to fight, just wasting time that should be spent saving lives. Delta sighed and said, "I don't think you get it, we already know she doesn't want to die, what she wants to do is save lives, that is what she was made for after all." Alpha felt insulted and said, "GUARDIANS ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT US! NOT SOME LESSER BEINGS THAT WE DIDN'T EVEN CREATE!" He extended his hand towards guardian 121 and said, "I'll have to make changes to her mind, if she is to keep herself alive." Delta didn't like that plan and said, "Really? Instead of letting her go to earth, you would rather kill her yourself?" Shocked by what Delta was implying, Alpha asked, "What are you talking about? I'm not killing her." Delta insisted, "You're taking away her mind, every shred of personality she has would be lost, you can make excuses, but at that point Epsilon's guardian 121 standing in front of you will be dead, killed by your hands." Alpha lowered his hand and said to Delta, "Fine, I won't change her, but I can't let her leave my temple, being the way she is, she'll just run straight to Epsilon to get killed." As guardian 121 was relocated to the side of the main hall, Delta left.

Afterwards Delta went to Epsilon saying, "I made sure he won't kill her, but he's not going to let her come back." Epsilon appreciated what Delta did for him and said, "Thank you, now that she's safe, I can start working on getting her out."

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