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So originally if there was a what if scenario i thought of it would be in my other book, but this one is a bit too long so i decided to take my time writing this one so please enjoy and stop hating on this ship kionxfuli fans. Some of us already called this ship last year (even though we barley knew what rani was going to be like). Also Were going by human ages, also because one time i googled kion's age and yeah they didnt use lion years so..

Location:the tree of life

Rani was a small cub at the time. She lived with her family at the tree of life.  Now im sure you are aware on her life there and her parents death. Yeah forget that this is my show now. So really this is where the timeline splits. There was a group of panthers that were mad after they couldn't enter the tree of life. Granted they had a bad track record so the panthers decided to light a fire all over the fields and attack. Rani was still a few months old (barley a year old) freaked out and tried to find her parents. She found them in the middle of a blaze, circled around. They told her to run away. Rani tried to get to them but they told her to run away and that they would find her.

Rani ran off, she was at the boarder then she heard an explosion and turned around to look. Turns out the weird green glowy thing in the tree of life is not stable in extreme heat. She stood there in fear, but then remembered to continue running. She started to tear up at the thought of her family being dead, she was only a small cub after all so this was a lot for her to take in. She stopped to catch her breath and rest her legs. She was only at the edge of the snowy forrest outside the boarder. She wanted to go back but she remembered what her parents told her. She ran off. 

It has been a week since she ran away, and Rani needed to find water she found a small lake and drank from it. Then she found a nice spot to spend the night in. She curled up and cried. She wondered if her family made it, her parents weren't that far from the tree so they were probably within the blast, her little brother was younger and smaller and could barley run. Her grandmother was probably in the tree and her uncle was probably attacked by panthers. It was a tough night for the cub.

The next day she walked to a field with a huge rock formation at the center. Little did she realize that she walked into the pridelands. Meanwhile a cub with a small mane was playing with his friend bunga. This cub was kion, who was a few months old, only a week apart from rani. He was playing a game of tag with the honey badger when he noticed rani.

Kion: hey bunga stop

Bunga: Hey, what gives kion

Kion: look over there

Bunga: huh, never seen her around

Kion: who is she

Bunga: who cares, come one tag

Kion: hang on

Kion walked up to rani. "Hello there' Rani was surprised by kion and got into a pouncing position,"who are you" she asked"I was wondering the same thing, so why are you in the pridelands""i......i ran and i guess......i..."She started to tear up which made kion feel guilty"whoa whoa im sorry, whats wrong""my family, i...i think they are......dead""oh, im sorry, but if you want you can live here""really""yeah, im sure my dad would allow it""ok, thanks"That's when simba's adviser zazu flew in to check on kion "there you re kion, you can't be running off like that, you could get hurt""sorry zazu, im just talking with someone""and who is this""im rani, sir""you aren't from here are you""no, s-sir" "Well lets go talk to the king, my dad""wait, your dad is the king""yeah"

Kion walked up to pride rock with rani following close behind."Dad""Hello kion, why do you need me""well i met someone"That's when rani walked up next to kion"Her name's rani, her family is gone so I was wondering if she could live here""where are you from"asked simba"the tree of life your majesty"replied rani"I have heard of that place, well of course you can live here""thank you"Kion had some weird feeling when he was with rani but he didn't know what it was. "hey kion""y-yes""thank you""your welcome"

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