Through the Flames

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Rani ran off crying ignoring her parents calling her name, she ran to a hill and sat there, upset that her parents just gave up on her.


Rani turned around and saw Kion standing there

"whats wrong he" asked


"you can tell me"

(inhales)" well turns out my parents are alive and...and they just gave up on me"

"Im sorry Rani"

"Thank you kion" said rani as she cried on his shoulder. She felt safe with Kion even before they were a couple. Kion was almost done with his healing, and the sooner kion get healed the better, rani didn't want to see her parents again, not after they abandoned her like that.

The next day she went on a walk to clear her head before she was interrupted


rani turned around to see her mother and father standing there

"what do you want"replied rani coldly

"we want to talk about some things"said her father Sãhasí

"why, so you can make feel even more worthless"

"just please, at least listen"said Ãnanda


"after the fire calmed down, half of the land was in ruins, luckily the tree of life was mostly alright but everything else wasn't. but that fire was only the beginning, they kept on coming, we were barley able to sleep just so we can make sure everyone else was safe. it was hard raising your little brother like this. We wanted to find you but then we realized that we couldn't do this to you, force you to come to a land where there could be an attack at any moment. The attacks lasted until a Month ago when we finally won. We wanted to travel but we had other responsibilities"

"Rani, where you have ended up was probably safer than here, we didn't want you lo live in fear" said Sãhasí

"all we ask is that you forgive us and were sorry" said Ãnanda

Rani then ran to her parents hugging them, she cried as they embraced her, she was finally with her family. Kion saw the whole thing from a distance and smiled, he was glad her girlfriend was with her family.

Then  Ãnanda and Sãhasí noticed kion standing there.

"hey rani, who is your friend over there" asked Sãhasí

"Oh, Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend Kion, Kion, they are my parents" said rani

"pleased to meet you"

"so rani, how did you 2 meet" asked Ãnanda

Rani told her parents about how they met to the formation of the lion guard and how they confessed their feelings and everything in between. Her parents were happy she found someone.

"thank you for looking out for our daughter" said Ãnanda

"you're welcome" said Kion

Rani did feel at home now

I get this chapter is shorter but its still a bit long. Do you guys like this. 

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