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1 week later

Kion's healing was almost finished and Rani was getting to know her family including her little brother Baylio. The rest of the guard were also enjoying their stay at the tree while helping the night pride deal with makucha (oh yeah he exists) and his army. but Rani's mother had some things to discuss with her

"so mom, what did you want to talk to me about" asked rani

"well I wanted to tell you something'

"what is it'

"that you are supposed to be future queen of the tree of life"

"aren't you and dad next in line for the throne"

"things work a bit differently around here'

"oh, but I can't leave the pridelands, what about my friends"

"I'm sure they would understand"

Just then Rani and her mother were notified that Janna wants to see them. But when they noticed the animals gathered around the tree of life, they knew what was going on, the rani notice kion walk up

"Kion what are you doing here" she asked

"they said Janna wants to see me'

Kion noticed the sad look on Rani's face, her and Janna have grown close over the time stayed here, she wasn't ready to lose her. So he went up and rubbed against her

"hey, its going to be alright" he said

"thank you'

(I'm too lazy to recreate the Janna's death scene but you know what happens)

Rani sat near a cliff thinking about what is going to happen next. She has a responsibility here at the tree of life but she can't leave her home, and kion. Kion noticed how Rani was acting so hje followed her and decided to talk to her

'are you alright" asked Kion

"not really" replied rani

"whats bothering you"

"its just....Im supposed to be Queen now, my Parents are supposed to help me along the way but-"

"you dont want to leave"

"yes, I dont want to leave you Kion, I love you"

"I love you to rani. which is why If you are staying, then i'm staying also'

"but kion, you are the leader of the Lion Guard"

"I will figure something out, besides i have seen my dad teach Kiara how to be queen, I've got this as long as I'm with you"

Rani Smiled as she leaned against Kion. They watched the sunset together. 

Kion was eventually healed but he needed to learn more about the roar, like in the main timeline, he trained with Askari to use the roar at full potential. As for Rani, she decided to push back her coronation to get basic training. Kion just wanted to be with Rani.

Rani was able to see the result of Kion's Training with Askari when Makucha's army attacked the Tree of life. She was surprised at what her boyfriend just Did.

"kion, That, wAS AWESOME" exclaimed Bunga

"that was impressive kion" said Rani

"thanks Rani, now le-"

Before kion could Finish, Jasiri and Janja walked up with azaad.

'Kion" shouted Jasiri

"whats wrong Jasiri"

"Its Zira, her Lionesses are attacking the Pridelands, we have to go now'

"Rani" said Kion waiting for her approval

"Lets go, We need to tell your family whats going on here anyways"

"lets go"

I apologize for the short Chapter.  But i hope its good enough. I wrote the ending. It will be a mixed media chapter (t means you get to see one of my bad videos) its just the music but still. Also I made a Q/A book so go over there to ask me stuff. have a great Friday

Lion Guard What If-Kion Grew Up With RaniWhere stories live. Discover now