The Journey and Betrayal

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Kion and rani have been dating for approximately 2 years now. Every day they spend together they grow closer as a couple. As for Fuli, she did think about quitting but she couldn't go back at this point. She was jealous of rani for "Stealing" Kion from her. But if she attacked her, Kion would tear her up into sheds. She has thought about injuring herself and saying rani attacked her (But the reason why she didnt do it in my point of view was because its unoriginal and cliche) But she knew Kion trusted Rani more than her.

It was the night before the lion guard and their allies will attack scar and his army, and Rani was worried, she was sitting on top of a hill worrying, what if it doesn't work, what if scar wins, what if she loses kion. Kion noticed how uneasy she is so he decided over to comfort her.

"are you alright rani"



"(sight) no, just worried, what is something bad happens, what if I lose you Kion"

"rani, I will always be with you, Nothing will happen to me, and I will make sure nothing will happen to you rani"

"thank you Kion"said rani as she leaned against Kion.

Im sure you all know what Happens in the episode, Kion gets his scar and starts lashing out as he roared at bunga

"kion, whats going on"

"I-I don't know, im sorry" said kion ashamed

rani was worried, her boyfriend was now a ticking time bomb, she could slip up and piss him off, maybe even making him break up with her. She didnt want to lose him Fuli on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity, his scar doesn't make him think straight, so she can easily frame Rani and make him mad, and he can be with her.

The Lion guard later learned about the tree of life and they began to Journey, everyone know what to do, Mainly Rani and Fuli, Rani wanted to make sure Kion and her will stay together while Fuli wanted the opposite. 

The journey to the tree of life was hard. The lion guard mostly had to deal with villains getting in their way and the new environments. But it was mostly hard for Rani going back to the place where her family died, and even though his scar was bothering him, he was still able to see that Rani is having a hard time. So e would try to stick close to her as much as possible.

This wasn't good for fuli because she needed Kion and Rani to be separated for her plan to work. She decided to make do with what she could, she would subtly try to make Rani to get Kion angry, but those attempts always result in them becoming closer. For some reason, even with the venom in him, Kion has a soft spot for Rani.

But then Fuli noticed that his scar is getting worse, so she had to just wait, and then Kion would get mad at rani as easily as he would with everyone else. Eventually they were getting close to the tree of life, and they decided to rest for the night at a snowy forest, and finish the journey the next day. Kion decided to go on a walk, to clear his head, so she saw this as the perfect opportunity to enforce her plan, so she walked up to Rani.

"hello Rani"said fuli

"hello fuli" replied Rani

"so, um i dont know how to tell you this, but"


"I overhear Kion talking and he was complaining about how 'pathetic' you are"

"what" said Rani as she teared up

"yes, he said he regrets bringing you with him, and sometimes even meeting you"

Rani ran off crying, so fuli decided it was for part 2 of her plan. she saw kion and  walked up to him.

"hello Kion, what are you doing"

"im just thinking"

"listen, now might not be the best time to tell you but, rani said-"

"said what"

"how you are the worst boyfriend, and that it was your fault for forcing us on this trip"

"did she say anything else"

After fuli finished talking to Kion, he stormed off to talk to Rani, she was so happy, she followed him and hid behind the bushes to watch their argument.








Kion and Rani stormed off in their opposite directions, furious at each other, rani went off and curled up while crying, while Kion was furious, he just lost the girl he loved ever since he was a small cub. Then fuli decided to make her move.

"hello, kion, are you alright" said fuli

"not really, i-i just though she was for me"

"well at least you are not alone" said fuli as she rubbed against kion

But Kion wasnt stupid, he noticed her display of affection towards him, he then put it all together, maybe rani didn't say those things, it was fuli lying so she could be with him.

"NO Fuli"

"what kion"

"I know what you are doing"

"and what is that"

"you want me and Rani to break up so you could be with me"

"that-that is not true"

"because of you, i lost the only one i love"

"Yeah but-"

"listen fuli, this is why I dont like you, you are selfish, and a huge jerk, I remember when you would tease me, especially when I tried to show you the roar, you mocked me, why would I want to be with someone like you"

"bu- but Kion"said fuli tearing up

"FORGET IT, im never going to be with you, the world where i chose you over rani is the world where I turn into scar and destroy the pridelands (OOf kion leaves Rani for fuli writers)

kion ran off to make things right, fuli ran off heartbroken, she decided to just quit the guard altogether. kion eventually found Rani, curled up and crying. he took a deep breath, and walked to her.

"um rani" said kion

"what do you want" said Rani coldly

"I came to apologize"

"forget it"

"please, let me explain"

"NO, you hurt me kion, would you really think I would say those things, I would never, i loved you more than anything"

"I'm sorry, i just heard what fuli told me, I got distracted by my anger to see that she wanted to separate us so she could be with me"

"just leave me"

"Rani i'm sorry, I love you, even when i act out in anger from my scar, just looking at you reminded me of who i am, please Rani, Even if you said those things, i would never be with fuli, You are the only girl I want to be with"

Rani immediately rushed in to hug Kion while crying, she was happy again, She would love him even if he turns evil, she would stay by his side.

"i love you kion" said Rani in a shaky voice

"I love you too"

And that is it. well we wont be seeing fuli for a while. Also if you have any questions, im happy to answer them. 

Lion Guard What If-Kion Grew Up With RaniWhere stories live. Discover now