Chapter 1

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We're camped out in a cave, trying to get our bearings. We'd been walking for hours. I was tired, hungry, and needing a bath.

Ten in number, we're comprised of two females and eight males—a diverse group of five military personnel and five civilians.

A lawyer, banker, teacher, Youtuber, and accountant. I'm the Youtuber, and I'm about to lose my shit!

"I don't understand... Why would the government do this to us?"

That's the teacher whining again. He needs to shut the hell up.

"I pay my taxes, and I..."

"Oh, shut up!"

That's the accountant.

"Thank you!" I state, drinking the last of my bottled water. Whoever dumped us here gave us a few bottles of water, weapons, and protein bars.

I've drank more than my share and headed away from the cave to relieve myself.

"Where are you going?" Inquires, Dominic.

"I have to pee."

"Don't go too far."

He's one of the military men, dark-haired, with gray eyes, and a fit build. If we make it out of here, I'm exchanging contact information.

"I won't."

Taking in my surroundings, I venture into the trees for privacy.

Admiring the beauty of the forest, the lush greenery, It's quiet. I'm finishing up when I hear a light crunch. The slight sound in the deafening quietness sends my heartbeat into overdrive.

Looking around, I don't see any movement, wind, or sound. The hairs on the back of my neck standing on end, I take flight and run right into something solid.

Falling hard, I regain my senses, trying to understand what I hit. There's nothing in front of me.

Shaking it off, I come to my feet, dusting myself off. And then, the strangest thing happens.

The space in front of me starts to waver. Thinking that I must have hit my head, I check for signs of blood or rising.

My jaw drops as something materializes out of thin air—massive, semi-armored, athletic, and funny-looking skin.

It's watching me gape at it as my flight response is temporarily broken, and I can't move.

I let loose an ear-splitting scream before I'm lifted in the air by the throat. A snarl comes from it, and I give way to the darkness that overtakes me.

Upon waking, Dominic is by my side. Remembering what happened, I'm on my feet quickly, which alarms him.

"Hey... you're safe."

"Did you see it?"

"See what?"

Eyes wide, I take a few breaths to calm myself.

"It was big, seven plus feet at least."

"What's she saying?" Asks Nick, the lawyer.

They've all gathered, watching me expectantly.

"It wore a mask and had these long tentacles coming from its head."

"What, like an alien?" Randy's laid out in a corner, trying to get some sleep. A marine, before here. Here, where the hell is here?

"Oh, come on." States the teacher.

"His skin was lizard-like in texture, and he was strong, powerful... kinda sexy like," I say thoughtfully.

A few amused expressions are passed around, with Marcel breaking the silence.

"You are just nasty."

A dark brown-skinned, dark-eyed air force sergeant. He was with me when we arrived.

"What? He was toned, like wow..."

"You are so sad." Says Travis, the banker.

Didn't nobody ask him for his two cents.

"I think we all should use the buddy system from now on," Dominic advises.

There are a few murmurs of approval before all hell breaks loose.

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