Chapter 6

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Rebecca's P.O.V:

The day we told everybody that we are mates was such a good day and the whole week went like this and I must say this week bonded us a lot together, but the week's progress aside, something strange happened to us on the sixth day of the week.

On the sixth day at 8 pm someone knocked at my house's door everyone heard it and Veronica went to get it, as she opened the door.

Malcolm stood there looking panicked but he kept his composure well, Veronica led him inside he bowed when he saw Barrie and all of us.

Malcolm is Barrie's right hand he trusts him the most for this position and he is very dedicated to his job.

"Your Highness I have some news." Malcolm said sounding calm but panicked.

"Tell me Malcolm." Barrie said softly.

"Our spies at the witch's castle sent the news today." Malcolm replied.

"I assume it's something important cause they normally brief us daily what's new...take a seat." Barrie said pointing to the seat opposite to him.

Everyone gathered there to listen what Malcolm has to say.

"Let me get you a glass of water then you can tell me what's wrong." Barrie insisted and went to the kitchen.

He came back with a glass of water for Malcolm, he chugged it and took a deep breath.

"My King, thank you so much I should've stopped you from going to fetch me a glass of water these are not the things you should do." Malcolm said in a bit guilty tone.

"Malcolm you know me very well and you know I hate this 'Kings don't do these little things shit', now tell me what's wrong?"

"King, our spies Marcus and Patrick informed us that something is not going well there the fairy king was there at the castle."

"Wait what? how? these two are each other's biggest enemies." Kate said.

"Miss Stevenson they say that they are marrying their heirs, fairy king's daughter and witch's son." Malcolm informed.

"That's more shocking cause if the just made up suddenly it would be something surprisingly understandable but they just jumped to this marriage directly, something is suspicious, continue Malcolm." Barrie said.

"This is one thing, King they heard the witches talking about how strong their alliance will be against us and the werewolves." Malcolm added.

"Okay and?"

"The third issue is that someone suggested this idea to both the Queen witch and fairy King and they didn't even thought to made up publicly first, they just directly planned the wedding for their kids as a power show."

"So now there is someone more evil than both of these pricks who's the suggester?" Barrie asked him.

Malcolm looked hesitant before speaking and said.

"It's Harold Stevenson."

Everyone in the room let out load gasps I'm pretty sure not just me but everyone of us felt like their breaths were knocked out this can't be true
it's impossible no one seemed to be able to produce a single word.

".....See Malcolm I respect you, you're like Alaric to me but you know this better than anyone that when I'm all about business I don't tolerate pranks or shit like this, you know what kind of penalty you will face if you're talking shit" Barrie warned him.

"Your Highness, I respect everyone in this room I care about them and I'm ready to get myself killed for them anytime and I'll kill myself with my own hands before I prank you like this." Malcolm said assuring Barnabas.

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