Chapter 8

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Lucas' P.O.V:

All of us finally reached the entrance of the castle where the real shit was going to start for the seven of us.

"Okay guys take a deep breath it's about to go down." I lastly told everybody.

"And no one will mess the fuck up." Alaric warned.

"Yeah right no pressure." Nina said sarcastically rolling her eyes at Alaric.

All of us were going to act like we were here for the wedding setup, so we were in the same uniforms as others but we had to enter in different groups to avoid suspicion.

Fortunately there were a lot of other workers out there so it was easy to blend in Jonah and Steven were going to stand outside with the ones who were setting up the ground's decorations and we were going inside.

"Dude you go first." I told Hunter he nodded and went first.

Hunter was in front of Nina and I, Alaric was with a woman and Ryan was at the end of the line, means 9 people behind than us.

As Hunter approached the entrance, the guard he was about to ask for Hunter's ID but Nina casted a spell on him as the guard made eye contact with her that dude went all still for the first five seconds standing like a fucking mannequin.

Then Hunter called him out, his focus returned and he let Hunter in, as Hunter entered the door he spotted our spies and signaled Nina and me with the specific movement of his fingers, that dick flipped us off, Nina smirked.

It was our turn the guard didn't asked us for our IDs, we went inside and Hunter moved away from us to not look fishy, Nina and I stood close pretending to be a couple she held my hand and I gave her a sly smile she had to stand there cause if she didn't had the guard in her sight the spell can start wearing off.

So she stood there with me secretly scrutinizing the guard he asked the woman and Alaric for the ID this time, Nina let him do this on purpose cause the woman next to Ric could get suspicious if the guard didn't ask her or Ric for his ID, so he asked them and after some seconds waved them off to go ahead, that they don't need to show the IDs.

They got in Alaric walked to the other opposite from us, we waited for Ryan the line was annoyingly long the guard asked everyone for their IDs, same like Ric he asked Ryan and waved him off that he doesn't need to look at his ID.

As soon Ryan entered Nina turned around, we started to blend in the massive crowds of servants and workers, Nina and I were together and all the boys separately walked, the spies signaled us to move they were going to lead us somewhere and tell us what to do now, this was the best way to talk to them.

Cause this castle is dangerous in a way, that someone can sense vampire or wolf scent on us, or we can get caught while mind linking, it's like signal jammer for cellphones or as if there are mines dug underneath our feet, we had to take each step carefully in order to succeed or at least to not get caught.

This place is huge, obviously cause it is a castle and fortunately our timing is very good, the time when hundreds of people are swarming the place; it was a great plan to just blend in and get done with our plan.

As always I carefully observed my surroundings, people were busy with their errands, it seems like the Fairy King and Witch Queen aren't just throwing their kids away by wedding them to each other, but in fact they are putting some effort to celebrate this shame of an event.

One of the spies, picked a tray of decorative garlands, and started to walk towards us, pretending to be oblivious that he knows he's gonna crash into us.

Nina and I knew what he was doing so we did what he did, and I started massaging Nina shoulders, pretending that we were a couple who was tired of all the work so we were just standing there at the spot.

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