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100 years later...

A stranger arrives in a small town asking for directions. He was a shady character wearing a cloak that is being blown by the wind. Everything was covered in orange and brown leaves. The symbol of fall.

He approaches the baker.

"Good day sir!"

"Good day to you too sir!"

"Well, that's a very tasty looking bunch you got there." The stranger pointed at the basket that the baker was carrying.

"Tasty? No, not just tasty but delicious! Ask anyone in this village." The baker proudly stated.

"Really? Well then, give me one so I can also taste this well-known delicious bread." He tossed a coin to the baker.

The cloaked stranger munched on his bread leaning on the stall the baker was setting up.

"So tell me, are there any strange tales in this part of the kingdom?" He asked between bites.

"Strange tales eh?" The baker scratched his beard in a thoughtful gesture.

"Well this area used to be part of the capital, as you can see of the ruins all around. But see here, ever since the traitorous king disappeared a hundred years ago, the nobles from the border rebelled and dashed this prosperous area into dust! Not only did they took the throne but they also destroyed the great castle. It's nothing now but a bunch of rocks."

"That's unfortunate, but I guess that's how politics goes. I don't see it strange at all." The stranger finished his bread and wiped his hands clean.

"Well here's the catch... The reason why they destroyed the castle. Was because they thought it to be enveloped by some sort of dark magic." 

"Dark magic? Well now that's interesting." The stranger cocked an eyebrow.

"Interesting indeed. And you know what, most of the villagers here believe that it's true."

"Does that include you?"

"At first no. But after seeing the field where the ruins of the old castle is, you can definitely believe that it is true."

A girl passed by and greeted the baker. The baker beamed at the beautiful girl.

"Going to the field again, dearie? Be careful not to go there too often. Alright?"

The girl smiled and waved as she went away. 

"Who's that?" The stranger gave the baker another coin for another bread.

"That girl? She's a sweet little lady, although a bit odd sometimes." He gave the stranger a bread. "Her name's Rose. She runs a little flowershop nearby."

"Is she going to the field?" 

"As she does every weekend. She gathers flowers there. Remember when I told you about the field being strange? Well, it's because all year round no matter what the season is, that field is always blooming with flowers. It's like the time has been stopped there."


"I swear it's real. Saw it myself." 

The stranger went silent as his eyes trailed the path where the girl went. Something is amiss. He just couldn't put a finger in it.

And it's not the story.

But the girl....


Rose followed broken down wall near the field. She always looked forward going to this place.

It's like... something is drawing her to it. Something magical.

She swung her basket back and forth. Her dark brown hair dancing.

She smiled brightly to the sun. She just bought cinnamon at the store today. And the weather seemed a good time for some hot tea and cinnamon rolls.

She opened the small wooden gate. She wasn't supposed to enter this place due to royal decree. But the people in the village doesn't even give a royal fig about it.

She walked to the center of the field, passed some of the old ruins, and kneeled down to a bunch of flowers. She touched one of the flower's petals. Beautiful as always. She closed her eyes and inhaled the flowers' sweet perfume. Everything about this field is so unreal. So mysterious and so breathtakingly beautiful. Like it's all a dream.

A dream.

*Crack* *Crack*

Rose opened her eyes just in time to see the ground giving way.

What the-?!

She quickly stood up and was about to run back to the gate when the huge crack grew larger and larger until the ground swallowed her as well.


She closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable when suddenly.


The air suddenly became slow and carried her down like she was nothing but a feather. She still didn't open her eyes.

Something soft and warm touched her face as she stopped falling down. Is she dead? She slowly opened her eyes and was surprised.

She was lying on top of a man!

She quickly scrambled away and fell to the floor. A bed? A bed underground? She stared incredulously and gazed up to the huge hole above. How am I suppose to get home now?!

Her eyes drifted back to the man on the bed. A corpse? How did it get here? 

Her gaze was landed on his chest to see that the man was still breathing.

Alive?! She scrambled close and pressed her ear against his chest.

B-dump. B-dump. B-dump. The heartbeat was steady. She glanced to his face and her eyes widened. Damn, he's handsome! 

She was so entranced by this person's beauty that she didn't realize that she leaned so close to him that his breath warmed her face. Her hand went instinctively to his face and cupped his cheek.

So warm. 

She blushed hard and quickly pulled her hand away.  

What the heck am I doing?! I should be looking for the exit and some help dammit!

She stood up and was about to walk away when a hand reached for hers.

She flinched and looked back. Beautiful indigo eyes greeted her.

She was stunned and didn't have time to react when the hand pulled her and she fell down against the man's chest.

"Wait, what?" She panicked. The beautiful man reached for her face and cupped her cheek the way she did to him earlier. He had the look of wonder. Like he was amazed of her being in front of him.

A smile formed on his lips as he rubbed his thumb against her cheek.

"I finally caught you... my beloved."

A/N: Ok, so I'm sorry for the late update but it was a very busy time actually. Anyways, this is the final chapter for part 1, and part 2 is on the way so watch out for it. Also, if you have any opinions, reviews, or suggestions feel free to comment below. So that's all for now. Stay awesome guys! Peace out!

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