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The remarkable thing about the palace was not only its extravagant outer architecture but what it has “inside” as well. And by inside, it meant the deeper secrets beyond the walls.

Secrets that a common visitor or a simple staff is kept unaware of.

Whoever built these secret chambers and tunnels, surely was a master of inconspicuosity.

Auro led the troupe through the halls that were made sure to be deserted before silently pressing forward and going around straight to a set of stairs. He ducked behind a huge porcelain vase beside the stairs and went under it. With outstretched hands, he felt the wall, looking for something. The troupe then heard a clicking sound before the wall opened before them. The prince, not bothered by the immense darkness, went on ahead while the three hesitated for a bit before following suit.

When everyone got through the hidden doorway, Auro searched the wall again. With another clicking sound the doorway closed. No one could see a thing, and then suddenly, it began to glow.  

Flora held a glowing orb on her hand which gave out an eerie yellow orange light.

Three eyes roamed around.

The walls were as if made from hollowed rock, very much like a cave. They were standing on a solid platform. Five steps of a staircase could be seen going down below. Beyond that was immense darkness. 

The eldest fairy held out the orb above them in order to see further but it was no use. There wasn't enough light. Going down to that dark unknown was going to be risky.

"Ugh, my light can't reach farther. I cannot use much of my power in an enclosed space like this." Flora complained.

"Too bad we are not light fairies." Maryweather grumbled.

"Perhaps you are starting to get too old?" Fauna chuckled.

"Perhaps." Flora smiled, not offended. "Tis a shame and blessing that we fairies can't live forever though."

"Can't live forever?" Auro inquired as he searched around. "I thought fairies were immortal?"

"Pfft! Wives tale." Fauna said. "People only think that way because we fairfolk age slower than they do. What are you searching for anyway, Prince?" 


Auro approached a concave on the left wall. It had a handful of hay in it. He touched the base of the concave under the hay. It was still wet. Oil.

That’s good news.

He took out an ancient tinder box from his pocket. Inside was a flint, asteel-strikerand a char-cloth. He took the flint with one hand, the steel-striker with the other, while the rest was put away.

He stroke the two items against each other which made it throw spark to the hay inside the concave.

The hay caught fire which soon lighted up. And as if by magic, the other unnoticed concaves all throughout the tunnel lighted up one by one. In short span of time, the whole underground passage was bright.

The fairies stood there wide-eyed for a moment.

“I guess this will not be needed anymore.” Flora, first to regain composure, said as she put away her light orb.

They continued their way through the tunnel. The walk was long, and the place was like a maze. You could almost not tell the difference between two tunnels.

Nevertheless, the royal guide walked steadily as if he already memorized the place like the back of his hand. Not long after, a wall loomed before them.

A dead end?

Not so it seems.

The prince stretched out his hand and opened the wall before them with a click, the same way he did earlier.

Before them was a drawing room.

It had no other entrance besides the one they just pass through.

The room was simple and yet elegant. The floor was polished black marble which shined with the light coming through the large windows which were draped by gold curtains. The place had no other furniture besides two silver armchairs and a large sofa with emerald green cushions on every seat. A large fireplace in front was decked with silver decorations that were engraved with gold. Above it, hangs a painting of a sleeping cherub.

“Please, have a seat.”

Auro gestured to the sofa before positioning himself comfortably on one of the armchairs. The fairies obeyed.

Flora spoke first.

“So, the business starts then.”

“Well we all are business persons deep down, aren’t we?

“So it seems. Well then, tell me, what has been bothering you, your Highness?”

Auro hesitated for a minute, not quite sure whether he should tell them or not. He had no other people to discuss this with. And he had no one else to trust, besides these friends of his.  He conceded.

“A dream.”

“A dream?”

“Yes, a dream. A dream that has been constantly repeating whenever I sleep.”

“Pray, tell me, what is this dream about?”

He took a quick glance at Maryweather before continuing.

“I-it’s about a girl.”

That caught a certain fairy’s attention.

“We were at a field…” He was starting to get uncomfortable. Perhaps the cushion was getting worn out?

“I never saw her face, and whenever I tried to approach her she would always get startled and run away.”

Flora’s eyebrow quirked.


“But recently…” He continued.

“I tried to approach her slowly, that she might not get startled again, and I was able to get near her unlike before.” He smiled, eyes looking at nowhere.

“But when I was about to touch her…” He cut off.

“You woke up.” Maryweather finished.

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