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Auro held the golden spindle in his hands.

This was going to be it.

He kneeled down to a small ancient cabinet in his bedroom and locked it after the spindle has been laid inside. He walked past his bed to the small terrace. He saw that the old decorations have been put down while new ones are starting to be put up.

It had been three days after his Coming of age party. It wasn't very eventful for him despite of all the preparations. He should've appreciated his people's efforts, but then many things have been going around in his head. He remembered that after the small private talk, he tried to persuade the fairies to join the celebration.

Flora just waved him off.

"Too many events in one day is not good, even for a fairy." She laughed.

And with that, they said their farewells and fluttered their wings to their next fairy business. Auro just stared at them and somehow felt silly for being a bit jealous of their freedom.

Now, now, there's no room for self pity in a monarch. He thought as he walked back to his room to prepare.

That night, during the party, Auro felt suffocated. And it wasn't just because his breeches were tight. For one, the party was too grandiose for his taste, or for anybody's taste for that matter.

The whole place was so bright as if the sun came down to party along. It was almost way too much for the eyes. The gigantic side doors were opened, and the party was extended to the palace gardens, which was filled with lanterns to give light. People of all walks of life, may it be poor or royal-blooded, celebrated together in honor of the prince's coming of age. Entertainers from all corners of the world were seen at every corner of the room. Life-sized Ice sculptures decked the tables. One, in the shape of a cherub, had juice spilling out of its mouth. Sounds of people talking and loud music playing filled the room. It was loud enough that you needed to raise your voice in order to have a decent conversation. But that was before the prince came in.

One step to the room and he almost ran out because a large tiger was the first to meet him with a growl. Good thing the servants took it away by the chains before it caused him a heart attack. As he proceeded, people looked at him and hushed. Nobles and monarchs from different kingdoms greeted him as he took his seat at the throne.

He didn't have much fun after that.

People danced and danced, and enjoyed themselves. While him, the celebrant, was being dragged by his own mother to introduce to many different princesses and ladies.

They were all nice and pretty but the prince had his mind elsewhere. Only once or twice had a girl caught his attention. It was either she had the same shade of hair or had the same eye color as the girl from his dreams. He didn't even have time to get back to his seat when nobles or rich lords came to him to discuss about politics or hint to him about them having an eligible daughter. Auro tried to remain polite but it was overall dull and frustrating.

After a while, he excused himself claiming to have a headache, not a total lie, and left the grand ballroom. Servants came to ask if he needed assistance but he dismissed them, saying that he wanted to rest in private. He stayed in his quarters for that rest of that night. And for the first time after a long period, he didn't dream at all.


He stood there in front of the great doors of the old cathedral, his heart pounding hard.

It was finally coronation day.

Auro wrestled in his mind, looking for ways to remain rational. He was prepared all his life for this, damn it! This was not the time to take a crap in his jammies!

A cough came from behind him. The prince turned to look at the guard that was escorting him.

The guard bowed and hesitantly said, "Um pardon me, your majesty. But I don't think that's how a king should talk."

Auro's eyes widened. He can't believe he said it out loud! He turned around embarassed expecting the guard to give him some kind of a lecture. But instead...

"It's alright your highness, we all get nervous sometimes... “The guard smiled.

Auro looked back appreciatively at the old guard, thinking of promoting him, when he heard a loud creak. He straightened himself. He had already made a decision. 

And now it's time to stand by it.

As the doors were opening before him, Auro felt a steady calmness wash over him. He walked slowly, step by step, keeping his head high just like a king should and focusing his attention on the pedestal where he was about to make his vow. He felt all eyes upon him that should have made him uneasy but he mind was calm as if he had already found the answer to true inner peace. Im sure there's a term for this. He thought. Rush- byzantin...eledrin... something...

When he reached the platform, the archbishop made him place his left hand on the Book of the Sacred Text as he raised his right hand to make the vow.

Somehow his peace of mind broke a bit and the nervousness returned. He panickingly tried to recall again the words for the vow. His forehead suddenly started to become sweaty.

Okay, take a deep breath Auro. He thought. It is just one paragraph... with sixty-seven words. How hard can it be?

"I, Aurelius..." He started. "Lord of the Ecclesiast Keep, Knight of the Great Faith, and the Crown Prince of Trymell."


"Hereby pledge that I shall fulfill my duties..." Concentrate.

"As king." He clenched his jaw.

"And put my kingdom and my people's needs..." Sweat trickled down his temple.

"...above all," Breath. "even myself. For it is my duty as the sole protector and ruler."

Almost there.

"This I swear upon Trymell's great throne," Just few more words. "...the crown."


"And in my name."

Auro closed his eyes when the archbishop gestured for him to kneel down. I did it. He sighed with great relief. He felt the heavy weight of the sword pat both of his shoulders as the archbishop chanted.

Then finally, "I hereby proclaim, Aurelius Philippi De Cresantes... King of Trymell."

Auro stood up, knees shaking, and his people clapped and shouting praise at him. The choir sang a joyful song. The whole place was filled with happiness. 

Auro looked at his parents standing at the side. He saw their eyes filled with content and pride that he had to look away. It was still far from over, yet he couldn't believe he finally did it.  He really did stand by his decision and took the big leap.

He is now a king.

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