Chapter two- Telling Addison

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(Addison on the side).

Addison could hear her parents arguing last night and she wasn't sure why, she could hear her name a few times and her mother cussing her father out and her father apologising a lot but other than that she didn't know. Ever since Carlo had been by yesterday her father seems very guilty he always looks at Addison with a sad face and she didn't know why, she wasn't sure she wanted to know why! Had she done something to upset him?
Addison was setting the table when her mother and father walked in.

"Good morning mom, dad"

"Morning sweetie, did you have a good sleep?" her mother asked.

"Yes I did thank you. Why was you and dad arguing last night"

"Oh you heard that did you?" Her father asked sheepishly.

"Only a few bits but I want to know why"

Her mother looked at her father and gave him the look to say its time to tell.
Addison stared up at her father and waited for him to talk.

"Addison I want you to know I had no choice in the matter, I didn't want you and your mother killed so I had to choose his other option. I hate myself for it and I just hope you won't hate me"

"What is it dad, your scaring me"

"Addison you're getting married"


"Watch your language young lady and let your father finish speaking"

"Yesterday when Carlo came by the cafe he told me I had 72 hours to pay the money back or my whole family would be killed and I wasn't about to let that happen and obviously he had seen you by then so he said let me marry your daughter. I of course said no! You're my baby, you are only 20 but I had no choice. So I rang Carlo back up and agreed to him that he could marry you, as long as no harm comes to you or the rest of this family to which he agreed with"

"I don't believe this! you've sold me to the devil"

Addison turned to look at her mom who was trying to contain her laugh.

"Mom this isn't a funny matter, I'm getting married off to probably my worst nightmare and there's nothing we can do!"

Addison watched as her dad left the room to go and answer the door that had gone off . She carried on ranting to her mother who was laughing.

"Glad to hear you think so highly of me addy"

Addison turned around and glared at Carlo who was obviously the one at the door.

"Addy, you've got to be serious" Addison laughed to herself.

"If you for one second think I'm marrying you, you have another thing coming! I'm 20 years old and how old are you 23 do you even want to be married so young?"

"I hate to break it to you, but you are marrying me weather you like it or not. And actually I'm 28"

"Mom do you hear this he's 8 years older than me! you always said never to date a man more than 3 years older than you it always ends in disaster"

"Addison stop being so dramatic! I think Carlo is quite the catch"



Carlo and Rachel just continued laughing, while Henry stood in the corner watching. Addison glared at her mom and Carlo and stalked out the room.

"You'll have to excuse my family Carlo they aren't usually like this"

"That's quite alright Mrs O'connor it just shows me what Addison will be like when we are married, I can certainly say I won't ever be bored"

Carlo and Addison's mom both laughed.

"With Addison you won't ever be bored"

"I can't believe this mom"

Addison walked out the room and to the front door where she was about to leave to get some air and the angry and hurt she was feeling, plus she wanted to punch Carlo in the face and if she did that she would probably be lying on the floor with a bullet in her chest. She was just about to shut the door behind her when an arm shot out and grabbed hers, of course it was the one person she really didn't want to see.

"Not running away are we my caro?"

"I would like to answer that yes but in reality I'm just walking to the cafe. You know to get away from my crazy family who think they can just sell me off to strange men"

"You know I like you Addison and I know I'll love having you as a wife"

Carlo moved away from Addison and back towards the lounge room where her parents were. She just left the house and walked straight to the cafe where she could get away from her mom, dad and certainly her new fiancé. Addison hadn't realised that Carlo had slipped a big massive diamond on her finger back in the house. When she did see it she nearly fainted it was the most beautiful ring ever but she wouldn't wear it. She took it off and put it in her jacket and proceeded to walk the rest of the way to the cafe.

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