Chapter six- You promised..

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(Wedding dress on the side)

Carlo was standing at the end of the aisle waiting for his bride to walk down, he couldn't believe the day had actually come a year after they had met, he would be marrying the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He never thought in life he would get married he always thought he would just stay single until at least 40 and then think of settling down but nope 29 and he's here. Carlo was starting to wonder what was taking so long when the back doors opened he expected his bride to walk down but instead the one person he thought he would never see again.

"Hello Carlo"


"Long time no see brother, but you made sure of that didn't you"

"Leo now is not the time your brother is about to get married"

"Oh shut it father, you are just as bad as Carlo! You will always be the same! And oh yes your getting married to the beautiful Addison I suspect"

Carlo knew then and there that Leo had got to Addison.

"What have you done?!" Carlo was pissed off now and everybody knew when he was pissed you should stay well away from him, his temper was awful nobody knew what he would do.

"Only told her a few home truths! Like how your own father could pay their son to try and kill their other son"

Gasps started going around the room, people couldn't believe that Michael had gotten Carlo to try and kill Leo. The De'angelo's just told everybody Leo up and left when they was out.

"You bastardo! Where is she?"

"Probably on the first plane out of California and far away from you so you can never find her"

"Merda! If she's left me I will kill you"

"Too later brother, she's already gone" Leo started laughing as he saw his brother running towards him and out the back doors.

"You won't get her Carlo"

Everyone just stared at Leo, shocked at what he had just reveled to everyone. His family lied to them all. Growing up Leo was loved by everyone, he never got in trouble it was always Carlo, never disappeared for days on end that was also Carlo. Everyone always told Michael, Leo was such a good child and he should be proud of him and Michael was but as soon as Leo hit the age of 20 he told his father he was going to grass him up and he didn't want any part of the business. Leo would have never grassed his family to anyone he just wanted them to scare them so they would change, Michael done the only thing possible told Carlo to hurt his brother so he wouldn't grass him out and tell all the secrets to whoever he was planning on telling. Whatever Carlo had done worked because this is the first time in four years Leo had returned.

Carlo ran outside the building and tried looking for Addison, it couldn't be that hard she was wearing a wedding dress for fuck sake. As he went to run one way he caught a glimpse of white in the corner of his eye and knew it was Addison.


Addison turned around to see Carlo chasing after her down the road, she was shitting it now because once he caught which he would she would be in big trouble, nobody leaves Carlo and especially not his fiancé.
Just as she turned to run a hand shot out and she was pulled into a hard chest.

"Did you really think you could get a way from me Caro?" Carlo snarled in her ear.

Carlo was so damn pissed he needed to hit something and at the moment he didn't care what it was. Addison was just the person in front of him. She didn't expect it and certainly wasn't expecting to get punched in the face, not slapped, punched.


"I hate you Carlo! I refuse this marriage. Kill me, kill my family. I won't marry you"

"Addison tone your voice down right fucking now"

"You promised me you would never hit me again, you lied! I swear I hate you forever"

"Addison I'm warning you"

"No piss off Carlo" Addison yelled while holding her cheek. Carlo was still annoyed and she was making it ten times worse, he raised his hands to hit her again when his arms were pulled behind his back.

Carlo and Addison both glanced behind them to see two police officers.
"What the fuck"

"Sir you are under arrest, for the suspicious of hitting this woman in front of you, you may not say anything, anything you do say will be used against you in court"

"It's a misunderstanding! Thats my wife"

"Miss is this your husband?"

"No sir, he's just an abusive man that thinks he can hit me"

"Addison.." Carlo was pleading with her now. He didn't want his family to find out he had hit her, that's one thing his dad would never agree with and him getting arrested would definitely mean his dad would find out.

Arranged marriage to the Ex Mafia boss.Where stories live. Discover now