Chapter eleven- Happiness doesn't last forever..

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(Addison make up on the side for the wedding)

Addison was right when she said her wedding night would be a long night, Carlo got so drunk, they had a big massive fight in front of all their guest. Addison left soon after they had an argument and Carlo wasn't far behind. Everyone was nervous about them going back to the house on their own, Carlo drunk and pissed nobody knew what he would do and especially with Addison pregnant they was more nervous. Michael had offered to stay at the house but Carlo declined said it was his wife and he would sort it out well something on them lines considering he was so drunk. Michael knew what his son was like in Italy when Carlo get so drunk he would always attack something and it would always be the closest thing to him. He just liked to get his anger out, Michael just hoped he wouldn't hit Addison.

Addison returned home crying after their fight in front of all their guests, which obviously Carlo started. He was always have to have the last word and she wasn't going to stand there and let him humiliate her anymore than he already did, in front of her parents, his parents and all the guests. Carlo just had to brang about having sex in the toilet and she happened to be walking by when he did, she just wanted to talk to him to tell him not to tell anyone else and Carlo stared screaming at her, she's never been so embarrassed. She returns to Carlo to get married the next day because she finally admitted she loves him and it already looks like its heading for a fucking divorce.
She sat down on the sofa and put her head in her hands, at this moment in time she was already hating married life. She was thinking about what she was going to do, when she heard the front door slamming shut. If she said she wasn't scared she would be lying because she knows what Carlo is like she's been hit twice by him before and one resulted with a black eye.


He couldn't find her because she just didn't have it in her to respond to him anymore. He ran upstairs and searched everywhere for her, he then went back downstairs and eventually found her siting in the dining room in the pitch black crying, she saw him and got up and walked into the lounge room where Carlo followed her, she went and sat on the couch and was just waiting for Carlo to start shouting at her. He had just noticed she had changed out of the wedding dress and into one of his shirts and a pair of sweat pants. He still couldn't deny how beautiful she was and he would again be denying it if he said he didn't have a hard on because she was wearing his shirt.

"I'm so fucking pissed at you Addison"

"Well I could say the same about you Carlo"

"Me, I didn't do anything"

"No Carlo you do everything, I cry all the time because of you, I get hurt because of you. If my dad found out about this I bet he would have choose for you to just kill us"

"That would be the easy way out Addy, what did you expect for it to be easy? You're married to a mafia boss! Well old considering I left for you and the baby"

"No Carlo I knew it would be hard! I just didn't expect to be hit by my own husband, we've been married for 8 hours and we are already arguing what does that say about us?"

"You disrespect me and I'm going to teach you a lesson"

"Look at yourself Carlo! You tell your friends our private life, it's not their business. I refuse to move to Italy if you stay like this"

"You have no choice in it Addison you will be moving if you like it or not. And for fuck sake I told them we had sex in the bathroom get over it because I surely have"

"You have no respect for me and you talk to me about respecting you really?! Well you know what Carlo my ex boyfriend was better than you"

I guess I shouldn't have said that because next thing I know Carlo punched me in the face and pushed to the floor hard. I could not believe he done this to me while I'm pregnant. Carlo was mumbling words to himself about how it was my fault I always made him hit. I looked down at my grey sweat pants and noticed blood! Oh shit the baby! I needed to get to a hospital now!


"Addison just stop talking for a moment"

"No Carlo this is serious"

He turned around to see what she wanted.


"Carlo I think I'm losing the baby!"


"I'm bleeding"

"Oh fucking hell! Addy I'm so sorry. Come on let's get you to a hospital"

Carlo carried Addison to the car and quickly put her in, he ran round the other side and jumped in. He looked at Addison to see her crying her eyes out, he knew if she lost the baby she would be devastated.


"Yeah addy?"

"I swear to you, if I lose this baby I will never ever forgive you! I hate you know but I'll hate you forever. And I'm telling the truth I want a fucking divorce"

Carlo didn't respond to her, he just carried on driving. He never had once cried in his life but at this moment he wanted to cry, if he hurt his baby he wouldn't forgive himself either. They arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later and Carlo ran in asking for help.

"Somebody help! I think my wife is losing the baby"

"Bring her this way sir"

Carlo helped Addison walk towards the room where the nurse had directed and when they got to the door Addison stopped him.

"I don't want you in here Carlo"

Carlo heart broke when he heard Addison say that to him, she walked in to the room and the nurse shut the door. Carlo went to the waiting room and for the first time cried, he cried for what he's done to Addison, for making her lose the baby if she does, married less than for a day and she already wants a divorce. He knew he had to ring his dad.



"Are you crying son?"

"Dad I've done something bad, and I'm at the hospital"

"What have you done Carlo? If you've hit Addison I swear it"

"I did! I'm so sorry dad! I regret it so much! Were down the hospital she thinks she might have lost the baby"

"Sometimes Carlo, you are a stupid boy. We will be down the hospital soon"

Carlo didn't even get to respond to his dad, he hung up straight away. Carlo knew his dad would be disappointed he had never believed in hitting a woman, and look at his favorite son doing the one thing he hates.

20 minutes later and Michael and his mom walked thorough the waiting room straight to when Carlo was, Carlo stood, he didn't expect to get slapped round the face by his father.

"Io sono cosi deluso in voi Carlo, lei e che sei la moglie, la madre di tuo figlio non un sacco da boxe! If she loses that baby Carlo you will no longer be a son of mine"

Carlo was shocked that his father had said that to him.


"No Carlo I don't want to talk to you at the moment"

"I'm sorry"

"Well sorry isn't going to cut it this time"

Arranged marriage to the Ex Mafia boss.Where stories live. Discover now