Chapter eight- Pregnant?

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Why did these stupid tears have to start falling again! She was an emotional wreck lately and she didn't know why.

"No Carlo, I told you on the phone I'm leaving! I hate being with you and won't stay with you anymore, I just fucking hate you!"

"Addison you don't mean that"

"Yes I do Carlo! Look what you've done to my face! I won't stand being hit by you anymore. Not someone who is meant to be my fucking husband"

"I promise you Addison I won't hit you! Please just don't leave me"

"I need some space away from you because I can't stand the sight of you at the moment you make me want to be sick"

"Can you at least stay in the house?"

"Yeah stay in the house where you will just try to get me to forgive you, I do we end having sex, everything is fine for the next 2 months and then angry Carlo decides to hit me again. No"

"Addy I won't hit you again"

"You will hit me again, you can't stop Carlo your a violent bastard and I refuse to live with it anymore.. What if we have kids? You going to hit them every time your annoyed?"

"Obviously not! Their my kids"

"And I'm your fiancé! What's the difference?"

"Nothing, I'll love you all the same"

"Don't start the bullshit 'I love you' with me Carlo because I know you was lying. If you loved me, you wouldn't hit me"

"I do love you addy! I hate having to hit you but you make me so angry sometimes and I hit the closest thing to me"

"Oh so it's my fault you hit me, do I control your fist?"

"I don't mean that, Addison please one more chance! If I do it again you can leave I won't stop you"

"One more chance Carlo, do it again and I'm gone you won't ever see me again I promise it"

"Thank you, I love you"

I just carried on driving the rest of the way home without even looking at him. I must seem so weak, can't leave a man that abuses me!

(2 weeks later)

It had been two weeks since Carlo got arrested and he had be trying everything to get into my good books, I made him sleep in the guest room which he hated. I would go out without telling him and come home when I wanted which he definitely hated, Carlo had noticed I kept being sick lately and we didn't know why so he booked a doctors appointment for me but then last night when I was laying in bed I realised something I haven't had my period in 6 weeks! I don't know how I didn't realise for that long but now I think I know the reason I keep being sick I'm pregnant! I haven't told Carlo yet because I'm scared to see how he will react. Carlo talks about kids all the time but I don't know if he's actually ready for them.

(3 days later)

I took the 5 pregnancy tests last night to check and guess what? They all came back positive no shock there. I still haven't told Carlo but I will in the next few days.

(3 weeks later)

Shit! I still haven't told Carlo and today he's taking me to the doctors, he's been worried about me for ages and all along I've known why. I will just act like I don't know when the doctor tells us.

"Addison come on we are going to be late"

"I'm coming Carlo, wait"

Addison stared walking down the stairs.

"Have your boobs got bigger Addy, they don't look as small as what they use to be? But then what do I know you haven't let me touch you in 5 weeks" Carlo said grumpy.

"And I wonder why Carlo"

To get Carlo warmed up to the idea of kids Addy decided to bring them up.



"Do you want kids?"

"Maybe when I'm like 35 but definitely not now, I mean I don't think we're ready. We aren't even married yet"

"Yeah but don't you want little Carlo's or little Addie's running around?"

"Yeah I like that idea but i still don't think yet, just think we will have a lot going on soon, with my dad handing down the business to me and us moving to Italy after we've married it's just like how will we look after a baby and do all that"

"That's why we have our parents to help"

"Addy I'm not going to let our parents watch our children, they will be our responsibility not theirs. So when we have children we will make sure we haven't got a busy work schedule happening. Think I will be away on busy a lot"

"You mean threatening people in different places"

Addison looked out the window, great pregnant and Carlo doesn't even want a baby yet.
They pulled up outside the doctors office and walked in, Carlo being impatient asked to be seen straight away.

"Addison and Carlo De'angelo?"

"Yeah that's us"

"Right this way please"

When they walked into the room Addison was just getting more and more nervous, she was so scared of how Carlo would react to the news.

"So what seems to be the probably?"

"Well my wife seems to keep on being sick, in the morning, when she smells certain foods and we don't know why?"

"Do you think you could be pregnant?"

"I'm not sure"

"She shouldn't be"

"Well when was your last period"

"I don't really remember"

"Well the chances are dear, you are pregnant"

Oh I know I'm pregnant!


"Well we will get her to take some pregnancy tests and see what they say"

Addison went to the toilet and was back in 5 minutes.

"We just have to wait 2 minutes and then we should be able to tell if you're going to be parents"


"Carlo be quite"

The doctor returned when the 2 minutes were up.

"Well Mr and Mrs De'angelo looks like you're going to be parents"


"Yeah, so we are going to doing an ultrasound to see how far along you are if that's okay"

"Yeah that's fine"

I lifted my top up for the woman and she put some blue cold gel on my belly.

"Looking at your stomach you look at least 3 months"

"3 months!" Carlo was shocked he couldn't believe Addison could be 3 months pregnant. How had he never noticed the little bulge in her stomach?

"Yes by looking at the screen it tells me your just a little 3 months. Congratulations"

"Thank you so much"

Carlo and Addison walked out the room, to Addison Carlo had taken this well she expected him to kick off but he hadn't.

Carlo couldn't get his head around the fact that in a little under 6 months he would be a father.
He would have to learn all this stuff so quick!
Oh well it looked like he was going to be a dad.

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