Chapter nine- Leaving Carlo?

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(Song on the side)

Carlo was still shocked that he was about to become a father, did Addison not listen when he said they wasn't ready for kids, they was moving to Italy soon and with her being pregnant it puts a stop in his plans and even if that sounded selfish he didn't care, he wanted Addison to himself for a little while longer.

They had arrived home now and addison had gone upstairs she had told Carlo she wanted to search something on the laptop and be down once it was done, he knew this was a good time to tell his parents, mainly his father.
He dialed his father number and waited for him to pick up.


"Hi dad"

"What's up?"

"Padra me me vado il business, Addison e incintalei non mi vude piu in pericolo e ho bisogno di cominciare ad essere un marito migliore per lei"

"I'm going to be a grandfather?! Io sono orgoglioso di te figlio"

"I'm just not sure dad"

"What do you mean son?"

"Well me and Addison aren't married yet, were supposed to move to Italy soon and now she's pregnant! Not even like 2-3 weeks, she's like over 3 months pregnant!"

"And you've only just found out?"

"Pretty much"

"Carlo I bet you son Addison has known for a while but scared to tell you, you're mom was the same. She didn't tell me me for ages"

"That does sound like Addison, I'll call you later father"

"Bye son, I'm just so happy I have to tell your mother"

Carlo was thinking about what his dad had been saying, I mean it made sense that Addison wouldn't tell him. He always said they wasn't ready and if she knew him saying that would just make her not what to tell him.


Carlo walked into the room, to see Addison looking at baby cribs and all this other baby stuff. She seemed so happy about the baby, not that he wasn't happy he just knew they wasn't ready.

"Carlo, come look at these" Carlo looked at her and she seemed the happiest she's ever be since being with him. It made him upset knowing she still hadn't told him she loves him, and looking at her now he can tell she will love this baby ten times more than she will ever love him, he knew it sounded horrible but he wasn't about to let that happen.

"Addy we need to talk"

"What is it?"

"Did you know you was pregnant?"

Addison gulped. Carlo knew by her face she knew.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me Addison?"

"I was scared of how you would react Carlo, I found out about 2 weeks before we went to the doctors"

"So you knew 2 weeks before we went to the doctors?"

"I'm sorry Carlo, I should have told you"

"Yes you should have fucking told me, now your pregnant with a kid I don't even want"

"What! Carlo don't say that"

"I mean it, you don't even love me and I can tell this baby makes you so much happier than I ever have!"

"Maybe because it won't ever hit me, well it might but it won't be intentional like you"

"Oh you want to bring that up now" Carlo looked at her sharply. "I've told you I'm sorry like 40 thousand times but you always have to bring up the past"

"Maybe you should have never hit me Carlo I'm your fiancé not somebody you can hit! I wonder what your dad would say if he knew"

"Addison trust me you will be in so much trouble if you even mention me hitting you to my dad"

"Well maybe he deserves to know about it, maybe it will make you stop!"

"I haven't hit you in ages"

"You know Carlo I think it's time I leave"

"And what about us, what about everything we've been through?"

"We knew we was never going to work Carlo, and everything we've been through. Its more like everything I've been through"

"What about the baby"

"You mean the baby you don't want? I will tell the baby about you but that's as far as it goes Carlo, you don't get to be apart of something you don't want"

"Addison lets just talk this over, I love you and I do want the baby! I just said it because I'm scared you will love the baby more than me"

"Your right Carlo I will love this baby more than you"

With that Addison walked out the door. Carlo couldn't believe she had left him, him and his big mouth telling Addison he didn't want the baby of course he did but he knew she was young 20 it was her first child and she was going to love it so much. Carlo knew Addison loved him and she knew it too she just wouldn't admitted it.

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