9- Downfall of Us All

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I took that title from a song... DOWNFALL OF US ALL by A DAY TO REMEMBER I think. The songs in the chapter are related to:
Downfall of us all
Jar Of Hearts
This Is your Life
I can't believe the next chapter will be the end of this book! I'm sad along with you :'c I really hope you guys like the chapter :D I will make it EMOTIONAL... Btw, Kyle hurt me on my arm... He bit me... so technically, it's a love bite.... AHHHHH! KYLE MADE OUT WITH MY ARM
Remember: Love, Peace, and suckface
•••••<---- Gert says DIE
I carried my master all the way home. I wanted to scream at him for making me stay behind, and him almost being killed. At the same time, I felt like fucking him senseless.... I muster up my best evil glare and send it his way. He blinks.
"I want to know who I am!" he replies sharply.
"Master, you are Ciel Phantomhive, my lover, my everything." I say cooly. His mouth opens to respond, but he says nothing. I continue to sprint to the manor. I heard footsteps behind me. I ran even faster.
"S-slow down..."
((That's what he said in the bed last night :o:))
He mumbled.
"Hold on tight, Ciel. It might get a little dizzy."
I feel his hands on my chest, making me feel awfully bashful. He clenched onto me and I whizzed by everything. I was moving at a demonic speed. I dodged past street lights and cars and people. Ciel shut his eyes. I couldn't help but smile. He did that the first night I took him.... FOCUS, SEBASTIAN! I mentally slap myself. I narrowed my eyes and adverted my gaze from going to him. I couldn't resist. I peck his lips softly. His eye fluttered open.
"W-what was that for??"
He gulps.
I look away and smirk and don't reply. I hear laughing around us. We were close to the manor. It was in sight. We've come to far! I think to myself. I keep running, my heart rate barely rising. I suddenly see Pluto jump in front of us. Thank god! Wait.. god or...
FOCUS, SEBASTIAN! I mentally slap myself again. He came close to us and he tried to bite Ciel. I dodged him from being bit. My eyes widen.
"What's with you, Pluto?!" I snap.
I hear a gun click. I slowly look to my left and see Mey-Rin, holding a gun to my head.
"Mey-Rin?" I stumble, looking at her with wide eyes as she betrays me. I feel Ciel shift uncomfortably in my arms. I put him down behind me.
She shouts, her bangs covering her eyes once again. The gun in her hand trembles.
"I must do it! They told me..."
She breaks off.
I hear two other guns click. I turn to my right slightly to see Bard AND Finny with guns. Finny is a crying mess, while Bard shows no emotion whatsoever. Ciel's face darkens. I hear footsteps behind me. I snap my head back to see Claude, and the boy with icy blue eyes. He yanks out a pocket knife. Him! I think. Of course, Claude brings the best fighter here.
"How could you betray me like this!! Finny! Out of all of you, YOU were in on it to?!"
Ciel fumes. My eyes glow a demon red. Mey-Rin shoots and Finny loses it. I catch it with two fingers and smiles. I flick it to the ground. She stiffens. Bard tries. I catch that one, also. Ciel ducks as a pocket knife attack makes his way. I side kick him and he stabs my leg. I growl and jump-sidekick with my other leg, leaving him on the ground. Finny can't shoot anything. He was to busy crying. Pluto takes another snap, barely missing my head. I take out my knives and stab Pluto in the side of the muzzle. He snarls. I stop another bullet- two bullets, actually. Claude comes at me, and I have to leave my master. I throw him my jacket.
"It's bullet proof!"
I state. He was small enough to crawl up into a ball and the jacket covered him. I turn my attention to Claude, who holds something shiny and green with a purple stone in the middle of it. No... Claude smirks.
"Whoever has the sword as the advantage."
Claude swings at me. This sword would kill me if it hit me. The Demon Sword.
I duck under Sebastian's jacket. It was cold but it did protect me while he couldn't. I peek over at the so called Malachi, who gets up and falls over again, this time slamming his head onto a rock, falling fast into a deep sleep. I close the jacket again. The bullets only made small dents into the jacket. He wore this all the time? Hmph. Should have given it to me sooner. I look over at Pluto, who is charging at me. No... I pretend that I was just a bystander of all this. I haven't gotten betrayed by anybody. I hadn't tried to be killed. I wasn't wanted by everyone. This one hurt the most. I had never met Sebastian.
I duck under the sword as it bypasses my head. I kick Claude in his side. He loosens his grip on the sword, but he doesn't let go. I punch him in the face as he swipes the sword at me again. It cuts a part of my cheek. I frown as black blood travels down my face.
"Such a shame such a pretty face has to die."
Claude states. I leap behind him and grab his neck, making him choke surprisingly. I grab the sword and slice the side of his abdomen. He grabs the sword from going any deeper. I slice his hand. My wound hurt like hell. It burned every time it would strike. I stab Claude from his back. He falls to the ground. He slowly takes it out of him. It drops to the ground, as does Claude. His breath goes shallow.
"T-this never was a...... l-life, Michaelis.... It never w-will b-be.... I hope y-you realize t-that...."
He gets cut off. I take his arm and feel his pulse. Dead.
Pluto whimpered and backed up. I peeked out from under Sebastian's jacket and watched as Finny scolded Pluto.
"Pluto! Get away from him! I'm ashamed of my and your actions!" Finny sniffs, jabbing a finger at Pluto. He whimpers again and pads away. I close the jacket again.
"Fin! That wasn't the deal!"
Mey-Rin hissed. Bard agreed. They kept shooting, but it did no good. It only bounces off the jacket. I hear footsteps and I look up to see Sebastian. My eyes brighten. Sebastian catches all the bullets and throw them back at Mey-Rin and Bard. Somehow, he doesn't do the same for Finny. He must have seen what he had done.
I look over to where Malachi was. Where was he?!
"No! No no no! We aren't safe! Sebastian, he's gone!" I yelp, pointing to where Malachi was. Sebastian's eyes never left mine.
"S-Sebastian..? Why won't you answer me?"
I suddenly see something silver pointing out of Sebastian, black blood all over the front of it. Sebastian trembles.
I scream as Sebastian stumbles over next to me. He falls down on his back. I notice the green sword.
I cry, holding onto his waist as black blood poured out of his mouth.
He whispers. I stare at him, tears in my eyes as I recognize the green sword. The Demon Sword. His red eyes were losing their life. They were slowly going white. I see Malachi smirk as he falls to the ground again. He did this.
"I love y-you...."
He chokes out.
"Sebastian this isn't goodbye!"
I scream. He lightly kisses my cheek. I don't care if his blood drips off onto me.
"I'm afraid I-it is."
"You were supposed to be my butler... My butler to the end! You're supposed to stay by my side forever! You need to be here for me!"
I sob into his chest where the Demon Sword was. His eyes were almost completely white.
"Out of all t-the people I've m-met.. y-your the one I w-won't forget... and w-while I die before y-you... I'll be in hell w-waiting for you."
He chokes out his last words before he finally lets go.
I scream even though I know he isn't there. I will continue to scream. Mey-Rin, Bard and Malachi find the strength to get up and run away. I let them evade. "NO!!!!"
I yelp again. I pound my fist to the floor as my tears consume me. My heart is breaking. I finally know how it feels. Being broken for so long.. You don't remember the emotion you had before that. I've had pain before. Pain comes along with life. But I've never experienced a pain so bad that I can't even feel anything anymore. Out of all my pain, this was the big bad pain, the pain that consumes all the other pains.

Nobody has ever broken my heart like Sebastian Michaelis.
((Cry cry cry sob cry)) Oh my god... WHY DO I HURT MYSELF LIKE THIS? Why? Why I do dis?
Ciel- *sniffle*
Ciel- N-no!
Sebastian- ((le dead))
Me- WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Sebastiannnnnn!
Remember: Love, Peace, and no more Sebastian D':

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