8- My Butler, the Butler Forever

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GET READY TO CRY! IMA MAKE THIS CHAPTER A FULL ON BAWL FEST! not. Whenever I say something like this I don't mean it. I never cry but I feel like it. I end up looking like I can't shit. My face tightens up, WANTING to cry, TRYING to cry, but not bring ABLE to cry. It sucks. He asked me out February 30th. THERE IS NO FEBRUARY 30TH. So yeeeeh. I kicked Kyle in the balls. He was like 'AAAAW....' And I was like 'YOU BITCH! YOU CALL YOURSELF MY BEST FRIEND?!' Now I regret saying that... I LOVE HIM BUT HE'S SO CRUEL D: WHY IS MY LOVE LIFE SUCKISH?! Well, at least I have a distant relationship with Kellin Quinn. I dreamt that I pushed his wife off a cliff and that me and Kellin and his bebies walked away happily. I got rid of his problem. His WIFE is in my way...
Remember: Love, Peace, and Feb 30th
•••••<--- Gert is crying...


I hold Sebastian's head in my hands. "Sebastian..." I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper. I handcuff him to the bed. "I order you to stay here. That. Is. An. Order." I say. Sebastian looks like he just lost a million dollar race. "Yes my lord."

I arrive in the alley.
"Welcome, Ciel Phantomhive." A voice says above me. "We were waiting. What you did was brave, standing up to your butler like that." Another devilish voice says. I could almost imagine the person or demon smirking as they said it. "Thank you." my voice quivered although I tried to stay strong. "Now. Ciel Phantomhive. Prince of Hell. Do you understand how much power you have?" A man asks. "A lot.." I exclaim. "Yes. You are not worthy of it. You are not worthy of it at all. So, we will give it to someone who can handle the power." He says plainly. "W-what?" I stutter. How were they going to do that without killing me? Wait... They were going to KILL me?!


I tense up as I feel my master tense. I pull on the bed and remember my master's orders. Damn this contract! I can't move unless he tells me I can. I sigh heavily and deadpan. Why can't Ciel tell me what is going on in his life? Why won't he trust me? Is all I've done for him not enough? Am I not enough for him? No, I tell myself sternly. I'm enough for him. He will never deceive me.. so I think? I mentally slap myself. Stop it! Stop stop STOP! All this negativity will lead me to do something drastic. I don't feel like hurting someone or something, and I definitely don't want to hurt my Ciel. I want to be there for him, I want to hold him, I want him to lean on me when he can't lean on anyone else. I want him to be the one that I have a child with. I want him to be the one I love forever. But why won't Ciel act the same?


I leap down from where the rest of them demons were. Before Sebastian had met this snot nosed Ciel, he would be doing these things. He would take the place of children. He would kill them and move on. Ciel was special. He had a title nobody else had. The Prince of Hell? Now tell me that isn't plain royalty. Me and the Congregation Of Demons both agree that somebody has to take Ciel's place. Not only is he a child, he is a mere human. There is no way he can ever be the Prince of Hell. So I am here to take his title away from him. Once we do that, we have no choice but to kill him. He will remember everything and tell someone about it. I will take on the title as Prince of Hell. I will be the prince they need. I will kill Ciel Phantomhive, if it is the last thing I do.
"Claude?" Ciel questions as he sees me.
"Hello young Earl." I greet. He stiffens.
"Why are you here?" he asks slowly as he takes a step back. I stifle a laugh. Pathetic. He can't even talk to me without feeling intimidated. There was no way this boy could have been chose for the PRINCE of HELL! What was Sora thinking? Sora may be the woman who choses how everything in hell runs, but this was ridiculous! Sora, or 'sky' was not correct about this. It was a total mistake to pick him. I would be a much better choice. The rest of the COD leap down from where they were standing. I glance over at Malachi. He cracked his neck and held out a pocket knife. He could do wonders with those things. I turn my gaze over to Helen, who has her sword, then I look at Benny, who has his whips. I pull out my golden knives. We slowly encircle Ciel.


I hear my master call for me. I tear my wrist from the handcuff. I don't have time to dwell on how much it hurt. I sprint out of the Phantomhive mansion. My master was in trouble. Wherever he was, I would find him. My master was easy to follow. I hear him yelp in pain as something strikes his cheek. I hear him scream periodically. Shit! Where he was they were beating him! MY master! I growled loudly as I bolt down Widow Street. I hear punches and noises coming from a corner alley. I leap into the action. I kick a woman known as Helen in the stomach, sending her flying across the alley into a wall. I punch Benny, who was supposed to be my best friend in the face over and over again, until he knocks out.

I look over to see a man I don't know, good looking and tall. His ghostly bright blue eyes were set on me as I sprinted towards him. He leaped behind me. He at least put up a fight. His shaggy raven black hair covered his eyes. I panted as I narrowed my eyes at him. He raises his pocket knife and I yanked out my three silver knives. I swipe and cut a lock of his luscious black hair off, revealing his bright blue eyes. He swiftly tried a kick to my side, but I dodged it and stabbed his foot. It took him by surprise and he fell backward. I took this as my chance and I kick him in the stomach, him losing his breathe. I stab him repeatedly. He knocks out. I see Ciel cowering in front of a dark shape, hovering above him. I leap at the shadow and rip it's head to face me. My eyes widen as I realize who it is.
Claude! He smirks and tries to slam his hand down on Ciel again. I stop it easily and punch his neck. I lead Claude away from Ciel. I notice Ciel's face was red and bleeding. This damn demon wanted to kill him! I moved quickly and threw my knives at him. One landed right in the middle of his forehead. I grin evilly as I add two more. I pull them out and watch as the black blood drips from Claude's head. I slash him across the stomach and punch him hard. His hand collides with my arm, and he bends it backwards with all his might. He holds it there and smirks. "Do you want me to kill him, Sebastian?" He asks, his face a bloody mess. "Fuck you!" I yell and I kick his leg, making him stumble back and trip on Helen. He falls on his back. I stab his neck and slash over it repeatedly. The light dies from his eyes as he slowly faints. He mouthed something to me and my eyes widen. I didn't have time to think of that now. I had bigger problems. I run over to Ciel. "Master! I failed to protect you! Punish me as you wish." I say, grabbing him and bolting away from the bloody demon mess. His eyes were bruised, his cheeks cut and his soft skin in his arms cut and bleeding. "I won't punish you, Sebastian. I handcuffed you to my bed and you still made it, for hell's sake." He says. I smile. "Thank you, Ciel. I'm so glad you're okay. I really am." I smile sadly. I just can't get Claude's words out of my head... 'This isn't over, Michaelis. We are always watching. We will kill him and you one way or another.' I kept getting the gut feeling that he was right.
URMEHGURD I'M HORRIFYING I KNOW. I bet I didn't make you cry. WARNING: Book ending on Chapter 10 XO Don't kill me... I'm glad for everyone who reads this!!! I am ecstatic, actually. I will make chapter 9 PAINFUL! I have seventy nine good ideas in my head... You'll all just have to wait until tomorrow to hear 'em! NIGHTIE NIGHT
Sebastian- Goodnight, M'lady.


Ciel- Put me the hell to sleep already!
Remember: Love, Peace and Chapter 9!!!

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