5- Trancys are 10 Times Worse than Hell

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HAY BAYBAYS! I got this title idea cuz it was 11:10 at night when I looked at the time. I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow. Thanks a lot guys. I still love you ^-^

Sebastian- Might I ask what a 'Baybay' is?

Me- Aw Sebastian! Your so damn cute!! (cries cuz he's adorable)

Ciel- Sebastian! Fix this, my ears hurt!

Sebastian- Yes lord. Don't cry, Erin. It'll be okay, I know I'm adorable.

Me- (cries even harder and puts cat ears onto Sebastian's head)

Sebastian- ...

Ciel- ...

Hope you enjoyed my mental conversation with my MOST FAVORITE NON REAL PEOPLE EVER. I like anime more than people, actually. Anime people aren't STUPID like KYLE. And they don't BEG like a fucking DOG for her to even notice them. Kyle is a stupid hoe. THAS THE SONG OF THE DAY. (it's this awful song by Nikki Manaj, however you spell her damn last name)

Remember: Love, Peace, and Christians cursing like sailors!

•••••<--- Gert says pie


No. No no no no no. No! This wasn't happening. I shut my eyes. I was home with Sebastian, him serving me my tea. Everything was going fine. Like a normal day. I open my eyes again to see the person I loathed. The same bright blue eyes I had kept seeing, hoping to see Sebastian's warm, beautiful dark crimson eyes. "Let me go-!" I screamed up at Claude. "Oh come on, Ciel. It won't be terrible, we'll make you some tea!" Alois cheered. That damn booty-shorted bitch. "What'd you do with Sebastian?!" I tried to slam my head into Claude's ass. I didn't want to, but how else was I supposed to shock him? He stopped, his yellow eyes flaring at me. "Sebastian is in a place where he won't be able to find you."

Someone give me a fucking gun. Alois was dressed in a damn pink bunny suit, he came close to me. "Elizabeth is great, isn't she?" He asks into my ear. I stare at him coldly. "Sure, say that." I mutter. Alois laughs. I hear the door burst open. Alois shoves me into the closet. I slowly open the door. He wasn't in the room. This was my chance! I tried to open the door, but I could only crack it slightly so I could see what was happening in the room. Stupid old door! I pushed harder, the handcuffs digging into my skin, making me wince in pain. I sighed and gave up. "ALOOOOIS!!!!" I heard a squeaky voice call. That sounded like.. No. It can't be her... "Elizabeth!" Alois cheers. I listen to it all. What the fuck is Elizabeth doing here?! Alois brings her up to where I was. I could see them holding hands. I was half pissed. She was cheating on me! Well.. I was to.. she leans over and gives him a peck on the cheek. "I love that suit!" She squeals. Alois laughs. "Thank you! I do to. And may I just say, Elizabeth, dear, you look GORGEOUS!" Alois cooed. She was wearing the same pink dress as usual. "Oh I do hope Ciel doesn't find out about us.." Elizabeth bites her fingernail. I feel like shouting, 'DON'T WORRY! I DON'T LOVE YOU EITHER! NOW HELP ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!' but I don't, because curiosity gets the best of me. "Oh darling, I won't let that happen. I promise. Now why don't you head to the dining room? Claude is serving some tea. I will be there in a second." he says. She giggles and kisses Alois again. She walks downstairs.
"Didn't expect that, hah? Yeah, we've been going out for a while. She's bubbly. Alright, I'll be downstairs. And don't bother trying to escape. Okay? Toodles!" Alois says with a smile as he walks out and shuts the door behind him. Silence.
It was boring. I screamed my lungs out, trying to get help from Lizzy. That wasn't working. "Sebastian, I order you to come and get me from wherever the hell you are!" I yell. I hear a small 'Yes, my lord.' in my head. Our bond was still strong. I was thankful for that. I slammed onto the door, making some cracks and holes on it. I head-butt the door, and make a clear circle hole through it. I close my eyes and sigh. When I open my eyes again, I see yellow ones watching me carefully through the circle. I scream. "What the fuck!"
Claude doesn't do anything. He just stares at me, not making a move, not trying to kill me. I stay still to. "You gonna talk?" I ask him quietly. He smirks. He turns his back to me and disappears. Damn that demon! I suddenly feel cold hands on my shoulders. "You seem tense. Is it because of Alois and Elizabeth?" I hear his cold voice ask. "How the hell did you get in here?!" I slap his hands away and scream at him. "I surely do understand if it is because of Alois and Lizzy. We all know how much of a shock this is to you," He ignores my question. I slap him with my hand wide open. His bright yellow eyes widen for a second then his eyes turn a demon red as he slams me into the door, lifting me up by holding me on my neck. I choke, trying to gasp for air. "You listen here, boy. I can kill you any time I would like. I am however on my lord's orders not to. You better be glad he's good to you. He could have you dead in a minute." I was pretty sure my face was purple right about now. Masters orders? Alois told him not to kill me. I do my best to snort and talk. "H-How c-considerate." I say sarcastically.
"Yes. It is, actually."
"L-let me go!" I squeak.
He drops me to the floor. I cough and gasp for air, enjoying the scent I'd never thought I would enjoy. Claude scent. I shiver.
Did I really say that? I feel five little bruises where his slender fingers were on my neck. "Why? What do you have against me?" I choke out. Claude smirks. "Not what I have against you." He stares at me one last time with glowing red eyes before they disappear. I stand there, staring at where that damned demon was.


I ran along the dirt path beneath the deep red sky. The moon was beginning to rise. Shit! He's been in that Trancy manor for at least a day! He's called on me, and I haven't answered. The best I could do was try and say 'Yes My Lord' through his mind. Under hell rules, now I can't say anything else to him. Claude couldn't have thought of something better. My eyebrows knitted with frustration. "Help!" A scream came from next to me. "Please! Get me out of here!" A man shrieked, poking his hand out of jail bars he was inside of. A woman was next, muttering things to herself, staring at me, not asking for help. I glance at her, and her eyes weren't desperate, they were more curious as to why I was rushing. I turn away from her. I look up again. I made it out of the Scream Halls. Next, the Soul Exhibit.


I try to wriggle my way out.
No luck.
I try to kick the door down.
No luck.
I even try to just open the door.
No luck.
I sigh in frustration. This closet is KILLING me. I was so damned bored! I swear, I could slam my head into the door so many times, and make so many holes with all the time I had!
THAT'S IT! All I had to do was head butt into the door, like I did earlier. I was pretty small, so it didn't really matter how big it was. At least eight more head butts. I braced myself and head butted into the door.
I was feeling a bit dizzy on five. But I couldn't pass out now. I had only three more to go.
THUMP! I collapsed onto the floor, my head pounding with pain. I can't do it. I'll pass out it I try. I sigh and wait a couple minutes before I get up to try again.
Eight! It was just enough for me to fit through. I climbed out, happily I could outsmart Alois and his creepy butler, Claude, for now. I sigh and think of what's ahead. Now. I scan the room around me. No windows. Only a door. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
I slowly creak the door open.
MRHRHRHR CLIFFHANGER AGAIN! I so evil. I met Sharon M Draper. Shes kindof an asshole, just sayin. She was telling us that we had bad questions. She sucks. Out Of My Mind wasn't that great anyway. I had such high hopes, Draper. Ya let me down! Ah well. Sebby never let's me down!

Me- Right, Sebby?

Sebastian- Hah?

Me- (cries again and hugs the Sebastian with cat ears)


Sebastian- Stop crying, Erin!
(Tosses the cat ears into a lake)

Me- (cries genuinely now)

Remember: Love, Peace, and man-rape

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