Chapter 33

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When we arrived back home, Zak was already waiting on the porch with his arms folded and a stern look across his face. It had been hours since he had left us and I bet he wanted every last detail of what went on after he left. Of course, I wasn't going to give him all the details. I couldn't. My father advised I help my mother inside and up to bed, meaning any scent of little wolf was doused by the smell of her perfume and booze. Clever. Zak didn't suspect a thing. And after I had put my mother into bed, I grabbed a shower to wash away anything that might make Zak catch on to my activities from tonight. Luckily my father had covered for me well, saying we were busy talking to many people and that I was by his side the whole time. Of course, I wasn't. He was actually helping me. And Zak was none the wiser. Still, he portrayed many times how unhappy he was with how I had made him look a fool.
He pinned me down to the bed and repeatedly told me that I was never to do anything like that again, and after I nodded, he placed himself inside me. It was nothing like what I had experienced earlier. I barely felt a thing. When he was done, he showered and slid into bed beside me, turning out the light.
"You know you'll never be able to get rid of me. You're my wife. We will have pups. Deal with it." He whispered into my ear before relaxing into a deep sleep. I silently cried into my pillow for what seemed like hours before I finally exhausted myself to sleep. This was my life. And I hated it.

Everyday seemed to be the same, up until little wolf and Logan both arrived for dinner. Finally something different from my normal shitty routine. I wore a white turtle neck jumper and a pair of jeans with a smart buckled belt. My mother insisted on a dress but honestly I felt more comfortable and myself like this. Zak was obviously not happy to greet them into our house, but he had little say on the matter.
"Welcome. Glad you could both join us." My father extended his hand to greet our guests. Little wolf hesitated briefly before shaking my fathers hand, but one look at me and he did it with no problems. His smile made me feel as warm as freshly made toast and I could have melted then and there.
I followed behind them as my father led them into the house and over to our dining table.
"Please sit, dinner will be ready shortly. Help yourselves to wine while you wait." My mother shouted from the kitchen. Zak came into the room and grunted at our guests, taking his seat next to mine.
"Let's get this over with, shall we." Zak mumbled as he placed a napkin into his shirt.
He kept his eye on me, looking stern at any time I even looked across to little wolf. I could tell he was happy to see me from the glint in his eyes. What I wouldn't give to be able to kiss him right now. My father began to make polite small talk at the table, whilst my mother began bringing in plates of food. Potatoes, meat, vegetables, gravy, Yorkshire puddings the lot. It smelt amazing!
"Good lord I can't remember the last time we had a home cooked meal like this can you?" Logan asked little wolf and he shook his head, turning to me and giving me another warm smile.
"Can you stop that already. You're in my house now. Smirky little smiles at my wife won't be tolerated, do you understand?" Zak began to snap at little wolf but he just glared at him silently, not looking bothered one single bit.
"Please contain yourself, we have guests." My father spoke firmly. Zak avoided eye contact with anyone for a short while, focusing on the food in front of him.

Polite chit chat was exchanged for a while, a couple of laughs and after dessert things turned sour once more.
"You've had your free food and your fun, perhaps it's time you left?" Zak looked to little wolf and a staring match began across the table. Zak reached for my hand and squeezed it tightly, as if to warn him off. It must have bothered little wolf knowing Zak had me in a way he could not. I could see it in his eyes he hated it. Hell I hated it.
"You have a lot to learn about being future alpha of this pack Zak Reynolds." My father scolded dabbing his mouth with a tissue.
"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Zak snapped back, looking a little embarrassed. A slight smirk on little wolfs face made me hide my own; Zak would never be the man or Alpha little wolf was. Most certainly not in the bedroom. I felt myself start to get a little turned on and tried to push such thoughts from my mind.
"As the Alpha of this pack, making an enemy out of our closest ally would be foolish. Especially considering the size difference. It's in this packs best interest we have an Alpha so close by whom we can rely on. If you carry on down this road, the pack will ultimately suffer in the long run because of your jealousy and hot headedness. Do you understand what I am saying?" My father locked eyes with Zak and I could feel him shift uncomfortably next to me, feeling embarrassed and unsure what to say.
Little wolf was a powerful Alpha with a much bigger pack. It would be stupid to make an enemy of him. I'm certainly glad he wasn't my enemy.
"Yeah, I get it." Zak choked back trying to busy himself with wiping his face with a tissue. "Besides, Ember is my wife. There's nothing that will change that. I have no need for jealousy." He finished not looking at anyone particular but obviously aiming his words towards little wolf. And he was right.

A sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach began to grow and on top of all that meat and potato it wasn't a good feeling. I felt like all the life had been sucked out of me and I'd never feel happy about anything ever again.
"Well that's good to hear." My father responded taking a small sip of wine. Now he was agreeing with him? I thought he was on my side?! My brow furrowed and I was just about to think of something to say back when my father spoke again. "I mean, you're right, nothing can take Ember away from you now. You're married. It's a good union for the pack.
Ember would need a very good reason to even try for permission to end this marriage and even if this were possible she would need to get the Blood Alpha himself to sign off on it and even then the council would need to approve and it's a whole long process." My fathers tone changed ever so slightly as he was speaking, almost like.... Wait a minute...
"Yes exactly! She has no reason and to get it signed and approved and all that nonsense she would never get permission from the council or Blood Alpha to leave me!" Zak chucked you himself almost in relief, like he needed to confirm with himself to be sure that there was no way I could leave. I could feel the tightness of his muscles relax and his heart began to slow back to a steady rate. But he failed to realise one thing! Zak and I aren't soulmates. We aren't each other's forever. He still has his mate out there somewhere. Plus, the council owe me a favour for helping catch Ares! Also.... The Blood Alpha was my best friend!

I stood hurriedly from my chair, excited and almost overwhelmed with this information. How did I not see this before?! Did my father say these things to make me realise it's possible? Or was it just a coincidence?
"Are you okay sweetheart?" My mothers concerned voice floated over the table. Little wolf also looked concerned as to my sudden outburst, but it all made sense now. I felt like there was hope for the first time in I don't know how long.
"Yes, I'm fine. In fact, I've just realised something." I almost whispered.
"What now?" Zak asked a little irritated. He should have bit his tongue.
"We aren't mates. Your mate is still out there. That's my reason. Other than you're not fit to lead this pack and you make me miserable at every turn!" I started to tell him, feeling a newfound confidence surge through me. I could sense little wolf was enjoying this.
"How dare you..." Zak tried, but I cut him off.
"The council still owe me a favour for helping them out and as for the Blood Alpha, well I think you know he would gladly help me out. Don't you?" I smiled feeling like I had just won a massive battle. Zaks face dropped a few seconds later when he had processed the information I had just given him. My father didn't look phased at all and the look in his eye as he casually sipped his wine told me that he was glad I had got the hint. He does want me to be happy after all.
"Nah, you wouldn't do that... You wouldn't do that to me.." He tried to laugh it off as a joke as he stood up from the table and walked towards the window. He looked at me and he could tell from the look on my face I wasn't joking.
" I can. And I will. I've had enough." I said bluntly. Zak shook his head and rubbed his temple like he had a headache.
"What? To be with him?!" He cried out pointing at little wolf.
"This is about me. Not him. We aren't compatible. We aren't right for each other. I don't want this anymore." I replied starting to grab some empty plates to take out. "I never wanted you Zak. Now I'd like to be free." I finished as I walked into the kitchen leaving him standing there mouth a jar and clearly unable to believe what has just happened.

I stood leaning against the sink for a few moments going through my head what had just happened and where I go from here.
"I'll help you get in touch with whomever you need." My fathers voice suddenly sounded as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you Daddy." I smiled, feeling more in control of my life now than in a long, long time.
"I'm sorry I forced you into this. I just want you to be happy no matter what that looks like." He hugged me tight and I could almost feel a prickle behind my eyes from wanting to tear up. It was unusual for my father to be like this, I just hope he wasn't about to change his mind.
"So what do we do now?" I asked him as we both pulled away.
"We call the Blood Alpha. We call Tyson Dragonstone."
My knees suddenly went weak.

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