Chapter 1: Reincarnated as the villian

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Ara Aoki POV
I am a renound professor who has discovered various cures for sicknesses and much more.

I have achieved a wealth of money and fame at such a young age. On the contrary I am miserable. I feel so lonely I don't have any true friends and my family only want me for my wealth and fame. I feel empty inside, I don't ask for much just to find true happiness.

I used to have a cute little sister who loved to play otome games and forced me to play her games almost everyday. I didn't have q happy past, my sister and I always depended on each other.

We used to have so much fun playing together. We would always stick together even when life was extremely difficult as kids. But now she has left me all alone in this world to suffer. I can't blame her for what happend, it was due to my own fault for not being strong enough to protect her.

We were walking back after buying yet another new otome game that she had been dying for. I told her we could get it tommorow but she desperatrly wanted it so we went out at night to purchase it for her.

Once I bought it for her she was so happy and jumping up and down on joy. It made me happy to see her like that. But little did I know that was one of the last times I would her smile like that again.

We were walking down an alley to get home quicker but suddenly a black van parks near us. I see some shady guys coming towards us. We weren't fast enough and my sister was taken into that black van. I was lying on the floor beaten up. That was the last time I saw her.

Police informed me after a long investigation that my sister had died as she was kidnapped and sold on the blackmarket.

The people who had bought her had raped her mercilessly until she was bleeding. My sister was so innocent and a wonderful person, she didn't deserve to due so horrificly. She would always joke to me saying how she wanted to have a family when she was older.

I locked myself in my room for months mourning her death. I barely left my room and when I did it was only to eat and drink or go to the bathroom.

I decided I needed to get my life together and studied my ass off. My parent had disowned me saying I was a disgrace, they had always doted on my sister. They accused me that I was the cause of her death but they were right it was because of my pitiful self.

They had came back crawling to me saying they were sorry. I knew they only wanted my money so they could live a luxurious life. My parents were terrible, I don't even want to remember my miserable childhood. I was disgusted by their action, now here they were asking for forgiveness.

Why is this world so cruel, she didn't deserve that. At least the criminals got their punishment, they have will be in prison for the rest of their life. But that will never bring my sister back to life.

I am currently in my personal lab continuing my research to find a cure for a disease. I do this job to help others and their griebing families.

I haven't felt someone's warmth since then, I hope my sister is proud of my achievements. After all I am doing this for her.

I suddenly hear a loud scream coming from outside. I dash outside to see what the commotion was.

I see a man holding a girl hostage, a gun pointed to her head. I notice there are police surrounding him but they aren't able to do anything that won't put the woman at risk.

I notice a child crying. I assume that's the child of the mother that's being taken hostage. He was crying and shouting her name. My heart hearts to see this. I don't want this child to lose his mother at such a young age.

Similar to how I lost my sister. I decided to sneak behind the robber. I already told the police my plan, they did try to stop me but they didn't really have many option.

Reincarnated as a villain in an otome gameWhere stories live. Discover now