Chapter 2: Day out

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Please v☆te for my story. Shout out to internet for helping me greatly.  This is a super long chapter, didn't quite expect it to be so long. So don't go donkey kong on me for my terrible spelling and grammar.

Now let's get on with the story, make sure to get some snacks and get comfy.

Ara Aoki POV
I shot up straight in bed, I was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I looked all around me confirming if what had transpired was real or fake. I place my shivering hand on my heart, my nerves soon calmed down. I thought I wouldn't have those nightmares anymore. Images from that horrific time flash through my head all at once. I wash my face with icy cold water to refresh myself for the new day to come.

I lean myself against the wooden window frame window, closing my eyes as I let the fresh air brush against my pale skin. The morning breeze gently tossled my messy dark hair. I could hear the birds chirping as dawn broke. The morning sun peaked over the horizon. I bathed in the warm and comforting sun that greeted me. The clement weather is pleasant as it was nethier to hit or cold.

Waking up to a beautiful morning such as this one with people who truly love you. Who would make everyday wonderful and worth remembering, with a smile only meant for you would be nice.

It's a picture perfect scenario which shall never happen to me. I don't deserve such a privilege, I do blame myself for my sister death. But there is not use crying over spilt milk. Brooding over such things will only worsen my mood. I guess I should eat some breakfast, can't do anything on an empty stomach.

I head to the dining table to eat breakfast. This place has gotten a lot less gloomy, I'm getting along with many of the maids. I am almost 7 years old, my life has been relaxing and peaceful these days.

I do have to work for money though, as I am not very wealthy. My parent don't bother sending me allowance. Sometimes they do but it isn't much. They say that a trash like me doesn't deserve any luxuries.

I celebrated my 6th birthdays with the servants in the house. It was quite fun but I felt like something was missing but couldn't think of what was wrong. Nonetheless it was better then the last birthday in my last life. I would celebrate it alone after my sisters death. Remincing the times I had with my weird yet wonderful sister made the edges of my mouth tug upwards.

Whenever my parents from this world come here they always shout and hit me. I see why the previous Ara became a villan. But he should have learned to become more independent as you can only depend on yourself, not others. Never know when you'll be betrayed, I can say this confidently from my past experience.

I have to look out for the heroine as I haven't met her yet. She is the cause of it all. So I need to be careful of her unless I want to die again. Dieing hurt a lot which isn't surprising. At least I died while saving someone which makes me feel better about it.

I do have some knowledge of the villan. She was like the usual heroine who was born as a commoner and was extremely gorgeous and cute, making many locals fall head over heels for her. She had a kind and charming personality. This factor also helped capture the hearts of many including the capture targets.

When she was found to have light magic, which is ultra rare she was immediately allowed to enroll at the renound magic school. That is where she will meet all her love intrest. This is just the basic outline of game 'Eternal Love'.

I remember that the villan Ara, which body I am currently in isn't from the fallen angel race which is a legendary tier race. Now that you mention it was that ever a race in the otome game. This is so confusing, I continue eating my food while contemplating these thoughts. Well now I am in his body so things are bound to be different.

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