Chapter 9: Starting magic school

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Ara Aoki POV

This school is not the million bricks, but the thousand hearts who carry more dreams than the night sky has stars. Each person has their own hopes and aspiration even though they may not realise it. A gentle gust of wind brushed past the students that sauntered into the magnificent school that stood out. People from small to large streamed through into the once desolate building. Cherry blossom petals slowly fluttered to the ground as if time had slowed. The sky was 

The once quiet and deserted place burst into life. It was bustling and crowded. Students filled in the hall ways greeting their friends. Catching up with the daily gossip or asking about their holidays. Many gathered around the popular fountain. One could hear each splash of water, everytime it hit the surface. Although it seemed like a simple feature with a single glanvce one could see the small details that were meticulously carved.

I halted, my feet rooted to the floor, not moving an inch. My eyes glance upwards looking up at the defiant blue sky. The dome of our existence. I see no fairness there, no sense of responsibility. Some days are dark, angry, bitter spitting rain, hail, fire and brimstone. When a storm brews, it rages upon the earth. Other times it's calm, serene with light fluffy clouds as if there wasn't a care in the world. Why? I ask myself are some people drawn towards the former, and others towards the latter. No injustice, it seems at peace with itself. My mind can't help but drift off into deep thought. I close my eyes, taking in a breath of fresh air that smelt of grass.

I want to live the way I want in this new life. I say this but what is the point if I don't follow what I tell myself. Is it so difficult to find happiness. I sigh mentally, am I thinking too deep into this. Is there a possibility that my sister was reincarnated. As ridiculous as it may seem there is a slight chance. Though it is slim and I shouldn't have high hopes. One cant help but wish itt was true even with a slither or chance. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the voice of my friends. Lily was waving a hand in front of my face couldn't but crack into a smile. To me I see Lily as my little as my sister. I don't tell her that or she may end up conceited and tease me about it constantly. But she holds a special place in my heart. My other friends are what I should say I have a different feeling towards, Not really sibling love but something else which I can't put my finger on. Maybe just friends.

My best friend is Lily. Although she can be annoying she is extremely caring.  She's someone you can trust. I've seen how attentive and serious she can get when it matters. If I were to put all my trust into someone it would be her. We seemd to hit it off although it was a nit rough at the beginning. Alexander and Atherton are also good friends of mine. I have rivalry with Alexander which can get quite fierce and Atherton is someone I can talk about politics and excreta.I;ve been slowly opening my heart to them but don't completely trust them. I still have doubvt in my heart. The fear if betrayal. As much as I want to believe in them I still have that wavering part of me. It's baby steps first as people say.

I listen as Lily starts rambling about some random subjects, with me interjecting adding my own opinions occasionally. I hum in response. It was just us two. The others were busy tending to their own business. The instant I step through the gates glares and stares were directed at me as they whisper in secrecy. I dismiss the uncomfortable looks continuing on with day. As much as I hate the attention weither it be good or bad I just have to suck it up since there's nothing I can do about it. If I say something it would only make it worse. I already learnt my lesson from that one time.


This was about two years ago. I was sitting on a park bench enjoying my book about philosophy. A pair of brunets stomped up to me. Their heads upturned, standing proud and arrogant. These kids kept teasing me. I could feel veins plusing from my temples. I ignored their remarks, they seemed to be annoyed. A cheshire cat smile appeared on their chubby face. "Look at the hideous monster. I bet your family doesn't love you. Ha so pathetic. If I had a brother like you I would kill myself. I bet you wet your pants!" They said in a mocking word. Each word they spat out I could feel my face darken. 

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