Chapter 3: Child in a box

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Pretend there is snow in the pic(no credit for any images)

Please v☆te for my story. Don't judge my attempt of imagery, I tried XD anyways let's get a move on.

Ara Aoki POV
Edgard ended up finding what happend when I went to the market. Now I am not allowed to go out, I really want to though. Today I decided to sneak out since I dislike being stuck in a room all day. Plus I'm an adult at least mentally, so I can make my own decisions.

It's snowing out, the snowflakes danced in the cold wind. They looked like pixie dust that was thrown into the air. The white dust coated trees and posts, everything was swallowed in white. Icicles formed on roofs, they were of all shapes and sizes. Snow had a colour so pure, not tainted by evil. I think snow decends down from the heavens.

I always loved to watch the white snow fall down. It's always been calming to me, It lets me be at peace with myself. I grab an umbrella, jacket and some other items that may be useful.

I sneakily escape the house by climbung down from my window with the help of rope.

I decide to go take a stroll and enjoy the sight of the snow falling onto me. I looks at my breath which comes out as puffs of white due to cold. The snow crunches beneath my feet. My ears and cheeks were flushed and my hand we in my pockets. A gentle smile was wore on my face, my forehead was smooth.

I decided to head to one of my favorite spots which I visit occasionally in my free time. It's a park that has cherry blossoms
Along with a view of a stunning clear blue lake that shimmered whenever the sun reflected on its surface.

It's a really weird phenomenal as it is not spring and flowers are blossoming there. Not like I am complaining though, the place is tranquil and relaxing. A perfect spot to read a book on a sunny day. Bathing in the sun, sucking in the warmth, wind blowing gently and cherry blossom leaves fluttering to the ground. It was a nice scene to imagine as you read a book.

The park was covered in a thick blanket of white. Snow rests upon the park bench as if it were a feather cushion, soft and warm. But it was quite the opposite, the violent icy wind blew through the park sending a shiver down my spine. The lake had frozen, a layer of thin ice layed on it.

As I wonder through the desserted park I see a cardboard box on the floor near a bench in the park. It looked quite peculiar, my curiousity got the best of me and I went to check it out. My eyes widen in surprise when I peered into the large brown cardboard box.

A small wolf boy lay there, curled up. He has barely any clothes on and is shivering. I mean who wouldn't its snowing heavily. My eye brows knitted together and I started biting my lower lip. It was a habit when I was worried.

I place my hand on his icy cold skin, he seems to be burning up. Who would leave a boy here on a day such as this. I quickly take off my jacket, it's really cold but this boy must be even colder then me. I wrap his ice cold body with my jacket and place his frail body on my back. I have to get back quick or this could be bad.

He looks like this(image below, I take no credit for pic)

He looks like this(image below, I take no credit for pic)

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