Chapter 5: A princes visit

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Ara Aoki POV 

I wake up to see Ruki snuggling me. So cute, I rub his hair making it more dishelved then it before. I look at the window to be greeted with the beautiful view of various flowers. I decide it would be nice to do some morning sketching. I think this would be a good way to help preserve some memories. I take out a pen and sketchbook and decide to do a sketch of Ruki.

I laugh softly to myself. I hum a gentle tune as the wind blows into the room making it feel refreshing but also a little chilly. I don't think I've been so relax in a while.

Under the gentle spring sun its rays warm my skin - like kisses from the divine. The nascent leaves have that soft green and the ground is scattered with vivid blooms whose petals dance in the breeze. Birds soared across the clear blue sky that was decorated with fluffy white clouds.

Ruki Silvers POV
I wake up to feel a slight chill and also the sound of humming, the sun illuminated. My eyes flutter open, the sun shone down on Ara, highlighting his features. Dark hair shimmered in the sunloght as it swayed gently in the wind. Rosy cheeks and plump lips. Smooth forehead, free of wrinkled. Glossy smooth skin and creases beside his eyes.

His pair of clear blue eyes stared off into the distance, he looked somewhat lonely. His eyes sparkled but deep inside it looked dull. I've seen eyes like those as I had them too. A sigh escapes my lips.

I wonder what he is drawing so I decide to peak. I look to see a drawing that looks very similar to me. Ara notices I am a wake "Isn't this picture of you beautiful. You should make good memories or you should make the most of your life and preserve precious memories. When you look back at this you'll know what your past self looked like." I take a while to process what he said, he really thinks ahead and plans for the future. I couldn't help but chuckle softly, earning a raised brow from Ara.

We both just sit in silence enjoying the morning breeze. The sound of him humming filled the air. Ara was smiling gently as he occasionly looked at me as he drew. His eyes held warmth and affection as he stared at me. I just closed me eyes enjoying the scene before me.

Ara Aoki POV
We should probably go eat some breakfast. Me and Ruki head towards the dining hall talking about random topics. We didn't bother getting dressed and had messy hair along with still being in out pajamas. I heard chatter in the dining hall, there should be anyone here.

I hold a dagger in my hand, are there intruders here. Edgard should have informed me though. I inform Ruki to stay behind me. I slowly creep towards the large carved wooden doors. It slowly creaks open.

I peer in and see people dressed in lavish clothes. I probably don't look very presentable at the moment. I didn't expect to see visitors though, shouldn't Edgard have informed.

I could see Alexander and I wasn't sure who the other person was. The silver haired male says "Sorry we didn't mean to intrude. We aren't here to harm you so you can put those weapons down. I am here to thank you for saving me brother. I am Atherton Sol, the first prince of the Lunar kingdom."

I politely greet him, "Hello your highness, it is an honour for you to have come here. Please excuse how I look right now I wasn't expecting any guest. I am Ara Aoki and the person behind me is Ruki Silves. Care to join us for lunch." I bowed courteously.

"Sorry for troubling you. I shall gratefully accept your generous offer. Atherton where are your manners, say thank you to Ara for helping you last time." Atherton says. Alexander goes up to me and thanks me.

"No problem. I just did what I was thought was right, no need to thank me. If I didn't help you I would feel guilty so it was also for myself." I smile warmly and pat his head. We both sit down and begin eating breakfast.

While we were eating Atherton suddenly ask me a question which startles me and causing me to choke on my food a bit. He had asked if I was the cursed child people talk about. I nod and he goes into deep thought. Was he that curious. I had a tight-lipped smile on my face and knitted eyebrows, I couldn't help but worry a little.

Atherton gracefully put down his knife and fork and turns towards me. "What reward do you want for helping my brother." I shaked my head annoyed as I kneaded my temples. Is this how people see me only helping for a reward.

Atherton Sol POV
There is bound to be a reason he would go to such lengths to protect my brother. Everyone always has an uulterior for such things. That is just how this world works.

What he said next surprises me. He looks at me straight in the eyes with his piercing ocean eyes. "I don't want a reward. Do I look like a person who does everything for self gain. A small boy such as him isn't some reward system. I have already gotten my reward and that is seeing Alexander safe and sound." A hint of irritation was in his voice as he clenched his fist.

That reason never occured to me, someone would do something out of the kindness of their heart. Not expecting anything in return. I feel a little stupid now, I shouldn't think every person is the same. I small smile forms on my face, he seems like a nice person. Although he looks cold and scary I can tell he has a kind heart.

I did try to give him money and treasures but he kept refusing. I ended up giving up my pursuit and give him a special made cloak.

Ara Aoki POV
I gratefully except the gift, breakfast ended up being quite fun. We got to know each other more. They soon had to leave due to having some buisness they have to sort out as they are royalty.

We ended becoming friends, they said they would invite me to the castle. Which I don't know why they would since we just met. But who am I to ask. But before they left something weird had happend. Alexander pointed his finger at me and announces we were rivals and for me not to go easy on him. He then hugged me and left. I just stood there frozen on my spot not to sure what to say.

It was a little abrupt, I do wonder why he suddenly announced that. But I'll just go along with what he wants.

I learnt that Alexander was only 2 years older then me which came to a surprise. He acts very mature for someone his age. I remember some people from my time line who were his age were bratty and rebellious teenagers.

Atherton Sol POV
My first impression of Ara Aoki is that he holds quite a lot of secrets. Ara acts mature for his age, he is responsible and is polite. Ara is very knowledgeable, he would be a great friend for Alexander as he would influence him in a positive manner.

He does seem to be a little cold and mysterious. It makes me wonder what he could be hiding. I feel as if he has been through a lot from the look in his eyes, he doesn't behave like a kid very much which is a little concerning.

Ara is cute though, I must admit.
He had beautiful dark blue hair, plump lips and rosy cheeks. He reminded me of a painting. But that doesn't mean I like him.

I believe that the rumors surrounding him are absolute rubbish, not like I believed it anyways. Now that I have seen it with my own two eyes I can confidently confirm it.

Although he seems quite cold on the outside, he is kind and observant. Wanting what's best for others. I did misjudge him which I do feel guilty about. I shouldn't come to my own conclusion without assessing the situation.

The conversation we had over lunch was quite interesting. He was easy to converse too and understood everything I said. We talked political affairs which was interesting and fun to me. Ara also seemed to be keen to say his thoughts.

Alexander did try to enter our heated discussion but didn't fully understand what we were talking about. Ruki just ate quietly, Ara started talking to him. I asked my brother what his thoughts of Ara were. He told me that he was cool. Alexander said he could be a hero but no one knew his identity as he was the mysterious type. I thought what he said was quite funny and intriguing.

The rest of the lunch we just got to know more about each other, such as our likes and dislikes. We actually had a few things in common like our love of books.

I was told to leave as we were talking. It was disappointing but I'm sure we will meet again. I plan to invite them to the castle, this will get interesting.

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