Chapter 13: Heart Throb Candy

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Ara Aoki POV

I squint my eyes trying to decipher the multiple figures slowly approaching me. Five figures slowly come into view. With the colourful head I could already guess who they were. It was Atherton, Alexander, Magnus, Ruki, Ikarous. I see them all looking at me with worry evident in their eyes and also embarrassment. Is it second hand embarrassment, makes sense. I felt like face palming my face.

A pink tint coated Ikarous pale cheek. He adverted his eyes, looking everywhere except at me. "Are you alright Ara. Your soaking wet." He takes off his uniform jacket and wraps it around it around my shoulder. I could feel the lingering warmth as if it were comforting me. It also smelled like strawberry weirdly, wait why am I smelling it. That sounds kind of weird. Well he sure is a gentle men. I gratefully accept the jacket as I didn't want to catch a cold since it was quite windy. 

I turn to Ikarous with a thankful and helpless smile.

"I really appreciate it, I will be sure to return it. I'm fine, thank you very much for asking. Don't worry about me. Class is starting soon we should head to class."

Atherton cocks a fine brow,

"You are in no condition to be going to class. You are soaking wet. You should go to the nurse and ask if she has a spare change of clothes."

Magnus walks over a small flame gathering in his flame. He slowly starts to dry my clothes as he threw an arm over my shoulder.

"Yep darling, you should listen to the man. Since I am doing you a favour I'd like a kiss~" He puckers his lips as he rubs my shoulder intimately. As he was about to kiss my lips I cover them with my palms and look at him menacingly.

"No thank you."

"But honey buns just a small peck. Those pink lips are to die for." He leans in dangerously close to my ears whispering sweet words that even I would cringe and get embarrassed hearing nonetheless saying.

"I want to pin you to the bed as I slowly strip you and kiss those succulent lips as you moan into me as I pound into you ruthlessly an-"

I cover his mouth and glare at him slightly embarrassed.

"Save your sweet talk for someone who actually want to hear it."

He decided to shut up and dry my clothes obediently. He looks like a kicked puppy that was abandoned and didn't get his treat. I chuckle softly under my breath.

"Well I'll be going now, you guys head to class before me. If I rush I should be able to get there on time."

I quickly wave to them before rushing off, deciding not to use magic as there could be people in the area who might be suspicious if they saw me suddenly disappear. 

I stand in front of the nurses door and gently knock it three time rhythmically.

"Come in." I hear a females voice from behind the door.

Although the clothes I were wearing were mostly dry they were wrinkled, had dirt smudged on it and didn't smell the best. Meaning I looked like a hot mess putting it simply.

The door creaks open and I step in. A women in a white coat spins he chair around and gestures me to take a seat on the chair next to her. I walk over and bow politely before sitting myself on the plush seat. I decide to look around a little in the small room.

There are flowers, beautiful paintings, leather chairs and soft music playing. On the wall is a chart for what I assume to be prescriptions. It was nothing like what I would expect to be in a nurses room for patients. It was warm and homey that put me at ease. Along with the warm smile directed at me. 

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