Chapter 10: Meeting the heroine

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Ara Aoki POV
Today is the fated day where I shall be meeting the female lead or known as the heroine. As much as I dislike the idea of meeting her she is necessary not only for the plot but my life. I died at the hands of her evil schemes. The beautiful was a peasant girl but got accepted into this school for her light magic even though she wasn't very intelligent.

She will soon meet the princes(Atherton and Alexander), Magnus, Ikarus and Ruki. If I remember correctly there was two hidden capture target in this game, but I don't really remember who it was. All I vaguely remember is that these males will fall for the heroine and fight for her love. She also became good friends with Lily, who helped her countless of times. Saving her from life and death moment.

And then there was Ara also known as well me, or the last Ara who got killed by the prince. He was at first banished for his crimes and treasons of trying to kill the heroine out of jealousy. Not satisfied of the outcome Ara came back seeking revenge. That was how I died, by the hands of the love interest. But it's not like i hold a grudge or anything though. I mean I wasn't actually the person who died. Living a peaceful and enjoyable life with no regrets is what I am seeking. Ara also worked for the demon king, I believe he was the hidden capture target I just forgot what he looked like and his name. Not many people actually know much about the demon king. That's why he was a hidden capture target from the sheer difficulty to unlock his route. One wrong decision could be fatal.

Everyone was seated, anticipating what this mysterious student who managed to get into the academy despite being a commoner. Along with the person who held the holy light power people dreamt of having. The wooden door slid open, the teacher stepped in then the heroine, Rosella Heart.

Nearly all the males were fawning over the innocent looking girl. Unlucky for them they didn't know her true colours. She smile cutely her dimples on the side of her plump rosy lips showing. The cute female tilted her head trying to look more innocent. Her hair was a rich shade of mahagony. It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a bright, amethyst-purple that enticed you, sucking you in. A straight nose, full lips - she seemed the picture of perfection. An hour glass figure that would fit perfectly in your hands Had she smiled, the world would sigh with contentment. Had she laughed, the world would laugh with her. Her smile is like a breath of spring, her voice as soft as summer rain. And had she wept, the whole world would want to comfort. That's how the game would describe here. She was prettier then average I must admit.

The teacher begins introducing her. "H-hi I'm R-rose Heart nice to meet you." She stutters out shyly as a tint of pink dusted her cheeks. The petite woman begins fiddling with her fingers, in a matter of seconds she charmed half the class. Females looked at her with disgust amd jealousy while the males looked at her with lust or uninterested. Her eyes landed on Alexander who was etching down some notes. She fluttered her long eyelashes as she moistens her lips with her pink tongue. Exposing a little bit too much skin. Atherton didn't seem to notice or care which upset her causing the heroine to pout.

I really couldn't care less. The teacher told her to sit at the front. As she was about to complain to move seats the teacher glared at her strictly not wanting to repeat himself. She plops herself on the chair, males immediately begin to surround her. She put on a happy façade. How I knew it was because her smile didn't reach her eyes and she didn't sound sincere. Her voice was laced with lies.

The teacher announced we would be doing sword training. To be honest I am not looking forward to it. It's not like I'm terribly bad at it but it's not my forte mainly because of physique. My strength is magic and agility. I can use daggers and light weapons easily. Everyone leaves the classroom to go and change then meet the teacher outside in the battle arena.

The matches went smoothly with minor casualties. Some matches were spectacular and a real eye opener. I was able to learn a few handy tactics. Each battle was intense and unique. Some lasted a long time while other were extremely quick. 

I heard I was against the female lead. Well this just took an interesting turn. A sweet smile is directed towards me. It was more like a smirk, I could see the malicious intent hidden deep in her amethyst eyes.

With a sword in hand she ran towards me recklessly swinging it around. I manage to easily dodge, the sword did graze my cheek drawing a little blood.

I unsheath my sword and quickly deflect her attack. The sword goes flying into the air landing with a thud. Assuming the match was over I sheath my sword. I wasn't expecting another attack. She kicks my back harshly causing me to tumble to the floor.

I spring up grabbing her thin wrists and pin her to the floor. She squirms and begins shouting. Rosella mangaes to wiggle out and punches me in the stomach. Just about when she was going for ankther attack the teacher intervened. The fight was getting a little out of hand.

As we walked off the arena she glared at me before stomping away. The heroine went to Alexander accusing me of bullying her. Didn't everyone just see what happend and now you gonna act innocent. A sigh escapes me lips.

My friends just walk away she looked at me again as if wanting to strangle me too death. I also return and icy look before.

There is definitely something wrong. From my assumptions a heroine should be innocent helpless. Rosella is the polar opposite to the generic heroine. Perhaps I have forgotten something vital.

I glanced over to her my eyebrows furrowing. She looked at Alexander with a flirtatious demeanor fluttering her eyelashes. Pressing her rather small chest onto him as she clung onto his arm.

Alexander look extremely disturbed. Noticing his annoyed glance I intervened. I gently detached them but she turns her head dramatically accusing me of hurting a weak girl. A bit sick of her facade I say "If you think that was harsh your in for a world of pain."

Sick of hearing these lies that I've heard all my life I leave. Lily rushes after me. "You okay Ara?" I nod as I ruffle her hair a small smile creeping into my face. "I don't understand people. Your so nice even though you are a little scary." She mumbles but i heard it.

I chuckles softly. "You can't change what others perceive you as but you can change yourself. Focus on yourself and those important around you."

Rosella pulls me into a warm embrace almost squeezing to death. I just let her do it. All my nerves wash away. Suddenly she lifts me up as we hug. "Let's eat!" She says cheerfully after letting me down

As we were eating Rosella came to us shyly asking to sit with us. Alexander politely declined. But she didn't seem to he having it, Rosella kept urging us to let her eat with us. The heroine even resorted to using tears.

Magnus stood up wiping her tears. "Sorry pretty lady but maybe another time. Just you and me." He said winking causing Rosella to blush like a tomato. A Cheshire cat grin formed on her face as she thrusted her head forward like a peacock. She looked at me like she had won.

I simple ignore her which seemed to have angered her as she snorted at me.As she walks past me she whispers "You can't take what was previously mine and still is. I'll make sure of it. I always got what i wanted." The female lead went to sit with a group of  boys which she started flirting with.

Lily looks at me concerned. I brush it off as if nothing happend. She reluctantly believes me not bringing up the matter anymore.

That probably isn't the end of it. Something tells me I have much more to face.

The heroine/female lead Rosella Heart. I don't take credit for the wonderful drawing

 I don't take credit for the wonderful drawing

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