Chapter 17: Let the battle commence

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Ara Aoki POV

Everyone was suited up for the tournaments. Lily wore a pair of gloves and a tight latex suit, overall looking like a badass. The others were also wearing their battle gear. They stood to the side but stood out amongst the rest. They always seem to attract the eyes of everyone.

A lot of people who were coming to visit along with students were looking at them with either admiration and love or jealousy and hate.

"Hey Ara you look amaze balls in that outfit, it looks so cool and creative but mainly cute on you. Am I right guys." She elbows her brother Atherton, looking at me with a wink. The others nod. Magnus walks up to wrapping an arm around me.

"Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!"

Lily bursts out in laughter. Slapping Magnus's back harshly causing him to groan in pain. He begins to chase her around the resting area. I just shake my head helplessly at the sight of cat chasing dog.

While I was deep in thought a loud voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Hello all students and guests who are here today. Today is a big day, the day of the long awaited crystal tournament. Where we not only test your strength but also endurance, will power, compassion and most importantly to test how far you can go. This is a test for yourself, to see your capabilities. Along to show the world how strong we are.

For the first round of the tournament everyone shall gather in the forest,  you are to collect as many tags as possible. These tags will be attached on your body in a place that is easily visible. If you lose all your tags you can still gain some, only until the time is up. Be prepared it will start in 30 minutes.

For on lookers please find a seat in the stadium. When the first round commences there will be large projected screens in the stadium that will project the contestants onto it so you can easily view it. Now either prepare yourself or head inside the arena. If I catch any cheating you will automatically be disqualified and can no longer participate.

Remember no potions are allowed, no killing, magic weapon are authorized and for beast tamers they can bring in their companion, you should know the rest.

If you get seriously injured crush the orb that was guven to you before and it will send you back here, but you'll be eliminated. Only the top 200 will make it into the next round. So you better collect a lot of tags. The final round will be held tommorow if you make it in of course, now go amd get ready cause it won't be easy."

And with that being said we all were dismissed. I look down at the blade that kay cold in my hands. It was short at four inches but so sharp even the most gentle of touches to flesh would result in a free bleeding cut. It's handle was carved mahogany and slightly aged.

I weighed the sword in my right hand, slashing it delicately at the air with a novice-like apprehension, and as I did so the reflection of the sunlight  danced warmly within the cool steel. he handle of the sword was bound with black leather, the hilt decorated yet understated, and the blade was short. 

I put it back on my waist. I check everything was in my small backpack. My eyes trailed to Ikarous who was alone to the side. His feet constantly shuffling and his hands fiddling with his watch.

I walk up to Ikarous, he looked really anxious, more then usual but it was understandable.

Cold sweat glistened on his furrowed brow. With hands clasped tightly in front of his stomach he constantly fiddled with his knuckles, weaving his fingers in and out of each other.

I tap him on the shoulder, I see him jump up slightly in surprise.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you Ikarous. You looks really nervous, something the matter." I ask, I  was worried about him, he is quite timid despite his strong build and appearance.

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