Chapter 1 - Told Me What?

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Chapter 1

"What do you mean I don't have a dorm?" I hissed. 

The resident assistant shrugged his shoulders and flipped through the papers on his clipboard a few more times. "I don't know what to tell you. All of these dorms are filled and your name isn't on the list. Maybe you went to the wrong dormitory building?" 

I sighed heavily, pulling out a slip of paper from my pocket and handing it to the RA. "Pine Peaks Dormitory 4, right?" I asked. The man nodded in agreement. I sighed, pointing to the paper. "It says I have dorm number 375 in this building."

"Look, I don't know why you don't have a dorm. I have someone else's name written down for that dorm number and she already moved in her stuff last week." 

I rolled my eyes. "Well, if you don't know what I'm supposed to do, how about you point me in the direction of the Head of the school," I stated bluntly. 

He huffed under his breath before grabbing up a campus map from the table beside him and handing it to me, along with my note. "His office is in the main building. Third wing, down the hall to the left."

"Thanks," I muttered, snatching the papers and heading off in the direction of the main building. My feet crunched against the gravel path as I made my way towards the front doors. A large wooden sign reading 'Pine Peaks College' stood proud in front of the school.

The campus was very beautiful. It was a huge open field in the middle of a forest with nothing but trees surrounding it for miles. The field goes from a small hill in the front to a large flat area in the back where the big brick school sits, AKA: the Main building. Behind the school was a football field. In front of the school, a long gravel path shaped into a U ran along up the field, leading to two sets of dormitory buildings on each side. The setting was beautiful, and it seemed more like camping than it did going to college. That's probably why I liked the idea of living here so much. Unlucky for me, they had somehow fucked up my dorm arrangement.

Eventually, after being lost about 3 times down the long hallways of the school, I found my way to the Head of the school's office. I knocked on the door and he allowed my entry. I stepped in and set the piece of paper down on his desk, explaining what had happened. He nodded for a few moments, thinking it over before tapping away on his computer. He sighed heavily, stood up from his chair, and limped over to his printer, picking up the fresh piece of paper. "It says here that we have you on the list for a dormitory, but I guess someone miscounted the number of rooms."

"So that means I don't have a place to stay when I'm literally all the way across the country from my home and family?" I asked, annoyed. 

He chuckled quietly, turning around and limping over to me. "Don't worry, Ms. (L/N). Our school is fortunate enough to be able to have purchased 8 small cabins that are on campus where students can stay. It costs extra but considering this is an inconvenience, I'll allow you to stay in one for the same price as a regular dorm." 

I sighed in relief and agreed to his offer.

After a few phone calls, the Head was able to locate a student to show me to the cabins. She met me in the Head's office and introduced herself as: "What's up? I'm Bambi, a Junior here." I responded by telling her my name, and that I was a freshman. 

Right off the bat, I could tell that she was a bad girl disguised as a good one. 'Bad Girl' as in has a lot of tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, hangs out with questionable people, smokes weed, and drinks a lot. But, she was very nice to me, so who am I to judge? She even offered me a cigarette on our way over to the cabins, but I denied her offer kindly.

"Ohhh fuck, man," She laughed as she looked down at the paper the principle had handed her, "You get to be roomies with 'Mr. Dark and Scary'." 

I scrunched my face at the strange name. "What do you mean?"

"Nobody told you yet, huh, freshie?"

"Told me what?"

Bambi giggled quietly to herself, taking a drag on her cigarette and blowing the smoke to the wind. "Your new roomie is only the freakiest guy in this whole school. And I don't mean sex freaky. Bet you won't last a week in a crunched up cabin with him. Serial killer vibe, you dig?" 

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I'm sure he's not that bad."

Bambi laughed again quietly, smoke rolling out of her nose as she sucked in a deep breath and released it. "You'd be surprised, baby. But hey, good news, we're besties now and I'm stayin' in a cabin a few doors over. Come crash with me anytime." 

I nodded, somewhat surprised at her offer. Despite her strange personality, she seemed like someone that would be nice to hang out with. Who knows, maybe under all those tattoos, piercings, and cigarette smoke, she's a darling girl.

As we made our way up the gravel path and towards the cabins, it was easy to see the whole campus and the woods surrounding it. It was a beautiful view, and I would have taken this over a dorm any day.

I was taken by surprise when a fairly tall and muscular guy snuck up behind me, grabbing me from under my arms and lifted me off the ground with ease. I yelped quietly as he laughed, spinning me around in the air before setting me down gently and hopping over to the other side of Bambi. 

He was fairly attractive and had tattoo sleeves up both arms, and light stubble. He had on a black beanie, skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a chain necklace.

"Damn, Dunkin, keep your hands off the fresh meat. Don't take her V-Card on the first day," Bambi stated, rolling her eyes.

The guy, Dunkin, chuckled at Bambi's response before looking back over to me, smirking wildly. "Sorry, couldn't help it. She's part of the group now so I would assume that she can be picked on too, ain't that right, sex on legs?"

I smiled at his flirty comment. "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you, Dunkin."

"Ay, Dunks, look who Miss-New-Girl got paired with as her cabin buddy," Bambi sneered, handing Dunkin the paper. He dropped his head back in laughter, handing the paper back to me. 

"Good luck, babydoll. I give it two weeks until you're out."

"I give it three, she looks pretty strong," Bambi countered, looking me up and down. 

I rolled my eyes again, shaking my head slowly. As we neared the door to my cabin, Dunkin split off to the left yelling back: "I'll see you, two ladies, later!" 

Bambi and I both waved, watching him as he jogged off towards another cabin.

"So, you ready to meet your roomie for the next few weeks until you move out or end up dead?" Bambi joked. I smiled, rolling my eyes at her. 

"As I said before, I'm sure he's not that bad."

"Speak for yourself...," she muttered as we stepped up onto the porch of the cabin. 

I cringed as she balled her fist and slammed it against the door multiple times, basically shaking the whole cabin. We waited in silence for a few moments before she groaned, then yelled at the door for him to quote: 'Get his creepy ass out of the cabin, you have a new roommate'.

I put my hand over my mouth and giggled quietly at her snotty remark, but I stopped laughing and my breath hitched in my throat when the door was ripped open, revealing who I assumed, was my new roommate.

= 'Mr. Dark and Scary' = Darkiplier X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now