Chapter 3 - Stray Dog

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Chapter 3

After first meeting Dark that day, I rarely saw him. 

I discovered that after sneaking a peek at his schedule, we both had classes around the same time, and he was usually gone by the time I got back to the cabin. Dark would stay away all night and occasionally come back in the mornings to then leave only a few minutes later. Seeing him was a rare occasion, so living in the cabin wasn't all that bad. When he was there, we spoke very few words and kept our distance. He stayed in his space and I stayed in mine, which was perfectly fine with me.

In order to keep 'peace' in the cabin, I often cooked meals. Since Dark was gone most of the time I usually cooked alone, but I always made extras and put them in the fridge with Dark's name on them. Although my roommate and I barely interacted, he was starting to grow on me. I discovered that I would smile every morning when I got up and checked the fridge to see that Dark had taken whatever I had made for him. 

'The best way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach' as my mother had always taught me. Some part of me hoped that it was true and that maybe by leaving food out for Dark, he would eventually get a little closer. Kind of like a stray dog: if you feed it, it will come back and maybe come a little closer each time.

This same pattern continued for about 3 months. By then, I had gotten used to living in the cabin. I often hung out with Bambi and Dunkin in my spare time and started to learn more about them. As I had guessed about Bambi, she was mostly a smoker, partier and a drinker, but she was a nice person to me and to her other friends. She always had that little bit of sass and often poked at me, asking if 'Mr. Dark and Scary' had come back to the cabin at all. 

I usually rolled my eyes, telling her over and over that he wasn't as bad as he seemed and that we kept our distance. However, I did mention to her that Dark always wore a suit and a white undershirt with it. She nodded, shrugging her shoulders, and told me that was something he had always done and that it was nothing new. He was a Junior here too, and she had never seen him in anything different. 

I would tell her that he seemed to know his boundaries and that I wasn't really afraid of him. She would laugh and take a drag of her cigarette, saying: "Yeah, yeah, ok. I still don't trust him though." 

I couldn't deny that because to be truthful, I barely knew the guy considering the situation.

I also got used to my classes too. They were the typical college classes: held in a giant lecture hall, anywhere from 80-200 students, boring and stressful. The only class that stood out from the rest was my English class - my last lecture of the day. The class itself was fine, the teacher was more the issue. 

He was an older guy in his late 50's named Mr. Abrell. He was a good teacher, but there was something strange about him and everyone knew it (plus he chose favorites, which just so happened to be a group of boys who were the rowdiest and most rude on campus). I usually sat near the front of the class so I could engage with the lesson more, but when he finished teaching and allowed us to work on our assignment, I always felt like there was someone watching my every move. On a few occasions when I felt shivers down my spine, I looked up and his eyes met mine just before he tore away from the gaze and continued to do his work.

Although he wasn't one of my favorite topics to talk about since he creeped me out, he seemed to be a subject that Dark and I had both agreed on. 

"You know that English teacher, Mr. Abrell? He's a little strange, don't you think?" I had asked him one morning to avoid awkward silence as he putzed around the cabin, gathering things for his classes. 

"I have the class after you. I don't like him. Something off about 'em," Dark had replied in a solemn tone. "I'd stay away from him," he added, throwing his bag over his shoulder and stepping out of the cabin, slamming the door behind him.

= 'Mr. Dark and Scary' = Darkiplier X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now