Just a Reminder

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Yesterday, I received a DM from a person who I will keep unnamed. In this DM I was told in a very fowl way that my story (I'm not sure which one, they did not say it), was terrible, that I shouldn't have written it and posted it thinking it was good, and that I should delete the whole book.

This is the first time I have ever received a hate DM

or hate on my story(ies) in general.

This hate struck me, pierced through me, right into the heart

but not in the way you would expect.

At first, I was shocked by what this person had said as I read through it. The amount of swears used in one sentence, the terrible grammar, the strange username. It struck me as peculiar. Why would someone who can't even write a simple sentence properly, DM me telling me that my story is terrible?

I sat back in my chair, and took a deep breath, reading the hateful words over and over again.

Every time I read through it, my smile only grew wider.

The terrible words only add fuel to my fire.

This will not stop me. It does not hurt me in any way. For those of you who stand by me and believe I am a great writer, do not lash out at this person, or become angry or furious with them.

Simply stand beside me and laugh as we light another flaming match and add it to the fire of motivation.

This is just a reminder that hate can be absorbed, and used in a better place. Use spite to your advantage, friends.

For those of you who absorb hate in a bad way, become saddened by it, or hurt by it, realize that you are better than the words they write or say. Continue to do what you love, with those words as a reminder that you are better than some people in this world who have nothing better to do than try and ruin the lives of others.

I know it is difficult, words do hurt despite the old 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' saying. Sometimes words hurt the most, so let those cuts heal. Look at the scars and remind yourself of what you have been through, and that you can always get through more no matter the circumstance.

For those of you going through a tough time, remember that you are never alone. If you need that reminder told to you, my DMs are always open. The comments are always here. Respond to each other, care for each other, and most of all love each other.

Love is stronger than hate, and it always will be. Remember that.

- Your author who is throwing shade on an unnamed person who tried to roast me. Use fewer swears and better grammar next time, bud.

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