Chapter 2 - Tell Her Your Name

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Chapter 2

I hated to say it, but Bambi was right. 

My new roommate towered over Bambi as he looked down at her, his square face scrunched up in a pissed-off manner. He had on a full black suit and a white shirt underneath where the first few buttons had been undone. His hair was a black mess of fluffy waves, and his beard was black and stubbly under his chin, up his jawline, and circled his lips. I gasped out loud when I realized his eyes were nothing like I had seen before; they were pitch black pupils surrounded by the whites of his eyes.

He glared down at Bambi with a look of anger and hatred that I can't even explain. She somehow stood her ground, her hands on her hips as she looked up at him, mimicking his crabby expression. She obviously wasn't scared of much, and this proved it. Bambi held out the piece of paper to him and he snatched it out of her hands aggressively, glaring at the paper so hard I thought he would burn a hole right through it.

"It's time for the bat cave to have a Robin. Maybe you should open up some of those damn curtains so it's not pitch black in there all the time," Bambi advised. 

My roommate groaned quietly, crumpling the paper, and shoving it into his pocket. "Where's the roommate?" he mumbled, almost inaudibly. 

I stepped out from behind Bambi and stood in his view, smiling up at him and gave a little wave. My hand slowly melted back down to my side as his dead eyes made contact with mine, his face melting into an even more annoyed frown.

"Well, let's go in and see the place, shall we?" Bambi pressed, grabbing my arm and pulling me past my roommate and into his - our - cabin.

The cabin was tiny, almost the size of the tiny homes that you see on TV. Straight ahead of me was a small twin sized bed packed into a corner, the foot and head both pressed against the walls of the cabin. Above the bed was a small loft with a tiny stairwell on the right side leading up to it. On the loft was a single bed, cramped into the cabin just as badly as the other one was. At the bottom of the tiny staircase was a small kitchen with a fridge, sink, and stove. Across from the kitchen (about 5 feet away, literally) was a small table with two chairs. My heart just about jumped out of my chest as I realized I was going to have to be cramped into this tiny cabin with supposedly the creepiest guy on campus.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Bambi ripped open a curtain covering a window that stood above the small table. The cabin lit up with sunshine, and it started to look a little less creepy than it had before. Even though I might have to be here with the scariest guy on campus, I started to think it wasn't all that bad. I had a nice place to sleep and a kitchen to cook in, which none of the dorms have.

"So, how about new girl tells you her name, and you tell her yours," Bambi suggested, a sly smirk planted on her face as she glared at my new roommate, who was leaning against the doorframe, the same deadpan look plastered on his face. 

The tension and awkwardness in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Not just any knife though, it would take a butcher knife to get through this.

I took a deep breath and stepped towards him, holding out my hand for him to shake. "Hi, my name is (Y/N)," I stated sweetly, smiling as best I could. 

He huffed, staring at my hand and I once again allowed it to drop to my side. 

"Go on...," Bambi pressed, "Tell her your name."

For whatever reason, my smile disappeared as the look on his face went from annoyed to ashamed. His eyes avoided mine and he crossed his arms, looking out the door for a few moments before mumbling: "Dark. My name is Dark."

Bambi let out a howl and doubled over, laughing so hard she wheezed. I turned around quickly, slapping her on the arm and muttering under my breath: "That's not nice, cut it out." 

She calmed herself down for a moment and stood back up, but lost her calm once again when she looked back at Dark who avoided eye contact, still staring outside.

I rolled my eyes and took Bambi by the hand, leading her out to the side of the cabin and stood by her for a few minutes until she finally stopped laughing and stood up straight, wiping the tears out from under her eyes. 

"See what I mean? He calls himself 'Dark', literally! There is no fucking way you can stay with that guy, (Y/N). Let's go talk to the Head and arrange it so you can be my roomie, huh?" Bambi stated, rather than asked. I sighed heavily, shaking my head. 

"Bambi they won't allow it and, in all honesty, this guy doesn't seem too bad. As long as he stays on his side and I stay on mine, things will go smoothly." 

Bambi's jaw dropped almost to the ground for a few moments as she registered my words.

"You're out of your goddamn mind. But hey, if you think you can last then be my guest. Just remember I'm a few cabins down so if something goes wrong, knock on my door. I'll catch ya later." 

I nodded and thanked her as she walked off, laughing so loud I could hear it until she made it to her cabin and slammed the door shut. I sighed heavily before turning around and heading back onto the porch and into the cabin.

 I stumbled backward and swore when I bumped into Dark, my head colliding with his chest. Rubbing my head, I looked back up to Dark who towered over me with his muscular frame and that deadpan expression.

"I'm sorry! I forgot you were standing there," I apologized, motioning to the doorway which Dark had been leaning on a second before. He now stood up straight, adjusting his suit and grabbing a bag from the floor. 

"I'm leaving...," he hissed as he stepped past me and headed down the gravel trail and out of my sight.

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