Chapter 4 - Just For Tonight

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Chapter 4

A few weeks after our conversation about Mr. Abrell, Dark seemed to come around more. 

He no longer stayed out all night and instead slept in the bed on the loft above me. He never told me why he started staying at the cabin, and I never asked. It was strange for me to get used to having more of a presence in the once lonely cabin. I often laid awake at night, listening to the sounds of his soft breathing as I eventually nodded off to sleep. I don't know what it was about him being there that made me sleep easy. The first few months I had barely slept at all, but now being in his presence, I was actually getting some much-needed rest.

My eyes flew open and I shot up in bed around 1:00 in the morning one week after Dark had started sleeping in the cabin. A loud thump on the door had jumped me from my sleep, and it had done the same to Dark. I sat frozen in bed, listening as the knocking on the door continued to get more loud and violent, crashing even over the sounds of the thunder, lightning, and pouring rain from the storm outside. 

Dark groaned, ripping off his sheets and stumbling down the staircase with nothing on but black sweatpants. He stopped next to the table and turned to me, motioning to the door. "Expecting anyone?" He asked in a grouchy tone. 

I shook my head, still paralyzed from the jump scare, and now paralyzed from staring at his shirtless body.

Although this probably wasn't the best time to stare, I couldn't help myself. His chest and abs were perfectly sculpted. His arms were large and muscular. The longer I looked, the more I liked him. Not only for his body but also because he was starting to open up to me a little bit more. He often started a casual conversation but was still so mysterious. There was something about him that made me want to know why he is the way he is.

Dark groaned as I shook my head in response to his question. I watched as he stomped over to the door and ripped it open. I couldn't see Dark's face, but I could tell that he had that same angry expression on as he did when I first saw him. My eyes widened when I recognized the person who was at the door: Piers. 

Piers was the leader of the group of rowdy boys on campus, the ones that Mr. Abrell favorited. He gave off the massive 'douchebag + fuckboy' vibe, and I hated even looking at his stupid face. It was tragic, really. He was a handsome guy with blond hair, blue eyes, and a nice frame but I couldn't see why anyone would even consider liking him. His personality completely ruined his good looks.

"What the fuck do you want, Piers? It's one in the goddamn morning," Dark barked at him. 

"Well aren't you one to talk, creep? I see you walking around in the woods late at night," Piers shot back. 

I could feel the annoyance radiating off of Dark's skin as he fixed his posture and stood up straight, his arms folded across his chest. 

"I don't go to people's cabins as you do. Now tell me what you need or leave us the fuck alone," Dark snapped. Piers huffed, peeking over Dark's shoulder.

Shivers crawled up my spine as Piers made direct eye contact with me and smirked before turning his gaze back to Dark. 

"Nothing, never mind," He stated nonchalantly, looking back over to me one more time before disappearing off of the porch and back out into the storm.

Dark slammed the door shut and locked it before turning back to me and stepping over to the side of my bed. I sat there frozen in fear, not able to make eye contact until Dark spoke up. 

"I saw him looking at you. You got a bone to pick with him?" he questioned. I shook my head slowly, coming out of my frozen position. I stared up at him for a moment, his black eyes staring deep into mine. 

"No, I don't know why he was looking at me. He's in my English class, but I haven't even talked to him." 

Dark nodded. "He's a punk. Don't go near him. Go back to sleep. You're safe."

He turned to walk back up the stairs, but, without thinking, I reached out and grabbed his wrist gently. Dark turned back to me, staring down into my eyes. I was never much of a brave person, to begin with, and Piers going out of his way to come to the cabin in the middle of the night, in the middle of a torrential downpour-thunder storm, was unsettling to me, especially since the only thing he did was stare at me, smirk and leave. I don't know if it was the way Dark looked in just sweatpants or if it was the way he seemed so safe to be around, but it compelled me to say something before I could stop the words from falling out of my mouth.

"C-can I sleep with you? Just for tonight? Piers coming to the door in the middle of the night and staring at me is kind of freaking me out...," I stated weakly.

Dark gazed at me with his blank expression for a few moments. I couldn't tell if he thought that I was crazy, stupid, or both. But, to my surprise, he agreed with a soft: "Alright". 

It felt as though butterflies were attacking my tummy as he gently took my small hand in his large one and helped me out of my bed. He led me up the stairs and laid down, patting the side of his bed closest to the wall. 

"You can sleep on this side, it's already warm."

I thanked him quietly as I laid down. I couldn't help but blush slightly as he pulled his blanket over me and asked if I was comfortable with a small smile - something I had yet to see from him. I nodded, returning the smile, my cheeks a bright red. He bit his lip slightly before laying down next to me, our bodies mere inches apart.

I felt much safer now, being closer to Dark. I laid awake, trying to put the pieces together. 

Dark was a strange person who, to most people, seemed scary and creepy. But to me, after getting to know him a bit, seemed trustworthy and caring. Although he definitely has a lot of secrets and often keeps his thoughts to himself, he wasn't half bad. Maybe the reason he seemed so mean and creepy was that nobody gave him the chance to open up. 

I could understand why people wouldn't want to get to know him, though. He had a very different and formal fashion style wearing suits every day, and his eyes were very much out of the ordinary. But to me, his eyes no longer seemed as empty as they had been when I first met him. His eyes now started to show that sweet side of him under all that scary.

'Never judge a book by its cover' is a term often used when referring to people. And, for whatever reason, I wanted to read this book to the very end now that he allowed me to read the first page. There is something more to this 'Dark', and I want to know what it is.

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