Chapter 12 - The Best People (Final Chapter)

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Chapter 12

About 20 minutes later, the police arrived at the school, and Piers was taken into custody. 

Just as Bambi had said, Piers spent about 5 minutes in the interrogation room sputtering words until he finally spilled Abrell's name.

Soon after, Abrell was brought into custody. An investigation was launched, and Abrell and Piers were both found guilty of the crimes after more evidence in the form of video turned up in Abrell's office after a search and seizure.

All of the girls that reported being raped and/or drugged were brought in to be questioned including me. Many charges were pressed against Abrell, Piers, and a bunch of other boys in Piers's little gang. Needless to say, they all landed quite a few years in prison. The Head announced that Abrell was not to return to campus and that Piers and his friends were expelled from the school.

Much credit was given to Dark, Bambi, Dunkin, and a little bit to myself for gathering enough evidence and solving a large problem on campus. Many people were surprised to see that Dark was not, in fact, a bad guy, but rather just quiet and had a different personality and style. 

Whenever someone would make a mean comment towards Dark, Bambi was quick to snap back at them. Most people were surprised by her sudden lash out and kept their mouths zipped shut. Dark would always laugh at her, but appreciated the extra help. Soon, Dark's name became pretty popular around campus.

Almost everyone knew him already but now recognized him as a hero rather than a creep. Most people would say a friendly hello to him as they passed by. It became a common occasion for girls to gather around him a group, now realizing that he was actually pretty handsome under all the scary.

Dark was kind enough to them but always kept his eyes on me, a silent beg to get him the hell out of there. I smiled, answering his request with great happiness considering I get jealous fairly easily. I soon found out that Dark was the same way, and Dunkin often likes to mess with him by pretending to ask me out on dates. Dark would make his silent warning to Dunkin to 'fuck off' by wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me hard on the lips.

Lucky for me, the fame never really changed Dark. He would rather spend time alone with me in the treehouse or stay in the cabin at night watching movies than going to parties. He is an introvert, and the sudden popularity could never change that. On any occasion we could get him to go to a party, he spent his time with his arms wrapped around me, glaring at any guy who looked in my general direction. 

His wound healed up nicely leaving a small scar that Dark was pissed off about. Whenever he griped about it, I was always there to assure him that it looked tuff and proved how strong he could be. He always smiled at my comment, shrugging his shoulders and muttering a simple 'Yeah I guess so'.

We spent most of our nights sleeping together, cuddled close in the same bed. Although I no longer had fears about Piers coming to the door in the night, I still slept better with Dark close to me. His arms wrapped around my body and the feeling of his chest rising up and down with gentle breaths lulled me off to sleep every night. 

On nights where we couldn't sleep, we lied awake together, his fingers twirling strands of my hair as he whispered how he was so glad that I came into his life. I think it's safe to say that we were going to be with each other for a long time if not for the rest of our lives.

It's amazing what can happen when you feed a stray. They come back a little closer every time and eventually become loyal to you, a guard dog who trusts you with their weaknesses and secrets.

'Mr. Dark and Scary' was nothing but a meaningless title nailed to the head of a person who was different from everyone else.

But, sometimes, the scariest people turn out to be the best ones.


Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading this story. It is shorter compared to my larger book, but it was nice to write just to test out my writing style and to do something while I had severe writer's block for my other larger book. This is my first completed book on Wattpad, and I do feel very accomplished for finishing this book. My final request is that if you guys can share this with your friends or other people that may be interested in reading, that would be the best thing ever. Seeing people reading my pieces means so so much to me, and I just wanted to thank all of you for the support throughout the book. 

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