Chapter 10 - Blink of an Eye

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Chapter 10

I woke when I felt someone tapping my shoulder gently, urging me to wake up with quiet words.

As I came to, Dark and I were still in the same position, holding each other on the couch. The warm light from the sun was now shining through the window in the cabin, the clock on the wall reading 7:38.

"Wake up, (Y/N), its time to get up and snitch on the campus perv," Bambi sang. 

I smiled, climbing off of Dark who was still asleep, but gripped at my hips and made a pouty face as I pulled away from his body. Bambi rolled her eyes at him. 

"So he does actually sleep huh? Doesn't just walk around in the forest all the time in the middle of the night like I've seen him do a bunch?" 

I elbowed her side lightly. "Be nice. I'm pretty sure he had just been walking back and forth from the treehouse. That would explain where he went when he didn't sleep in the cabin for the first few months."

"He's a monkey, living in a tree like that," Bambi joked. I nodded, trying to prevent a laugh. Bambi tapped Dark on his shoulder gently. 

"Wake up Mr. Spook- I mean, Dark. Get up, Dark," She corrected quickly. Dark chuckled, sitting up and rubbing his face and stretching.

"He reminds me of a black cat," Bambi whispered to me. I shrugged, agreeing with her statement. 

"Yeah, but you like cats once you get to know them," I whispered back. We both giggled quietly for a moment before Dark rose from the couch and stood next to me, taking my hand in his.

"Alright folks, follow me," Bambi commanded, parading out of the cabin. 

"She's a little drill sergeant," Dark stated, nodding his head in her direction. I smiled, nodding my head. 

"Yes, she is. Bambi says you remind her of a black cat." 

Dark thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No," he denied, "I'm thinking more like a pit bull."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I pondered, "That explains why you kept coming back when I left leftovers for you in the fridge."

"I couldn't help it, you're a good cook," He complimented. I smiled, looking up at his shining eyes. 

"Speaking of which," I started, "Why did you randomly start sleeping at the cabin again?"

Dark laughed quietly, almost like an evil laugh as he pulled my body against his, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my head. 

"Ever since that conversation we had about Abrell I knew something was up. The week after that conversation I spent most of my spare time battling my conscious deciding whether I was going to come back and be around you in case something happened. Luckily, since I'm not an asshole, I figured it was better safe than sorry, and I didn't want another fake story against me," he explained, "I also figured that maybe since you were being nice to me I had a chance. There are not many people like you in this world, (Y/N). You're the only one on this whole damn campus that didn't see me as a threat."

I sighed, wrapping my arms around his torso and melting into his arms. "Something about you, despite the rude attitude and strange clothing, told me that you weren't a bad person." 

Dark pulled away from the hug gently, looking down into my eyes for a moment before leaning down and kissing me, one hand holding the side of my face, the other resting on my back.

We both pulled away and rolled our eyes as Bambi cleared her throat obnoxiously, followed by the words: "C'mon love birds. We need to get Piers arrested and then you can suck each other's faces off all you want."

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