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Minjee was her everything.

Her little intuitive, energetic but kind little bundle of joy. She had brought life to Chaeyoung, and still did every single day.

Chaeyoung loved being a mother. She loved their random dance parties on Friday nights while she cooked them her grandmother's famous Mac and cheese and feeling Minjee climb into her bed and cuddle during some random nights. Never once did she regret having Minjee.

During her whole seven years as a mother, Chaeyoung had tried her best to raise Minjee to be one of a kind. To never feel small in such a big world. So as she watched Minjee walk into school of her first day with her head held high, Chaeyoung felt nothing but pride even though her own anxiety was through the roof.

It wasn't that she was worried about Minjee, she knew her daughter would be more than fine. Though one thing Chaeyoung had leaned when she became a mother was that sometimes you were just nervous, for no reason. It's her off spring, her pride and joy, of course she would worry.

She made sure to pack her favorite things for lunch, cutting the cucumber sandwich into heart shaped like she normally did at home to help with some comfort.

However, Chaeyoung knew the moment they met Minjee's teacher, Mr. Park, that her daughter was in great hands. Mr. Park seemed so effortlessly natural as a teacher and towards Minjee. Chaeyoung had never seen her daughter open up so quickly to another adult so fast. There was an overwhelming sense of fondness when she saw Minjee grip Mr. Park's hand and walk into the classroom. Her heart warmed at the site. It was possible that having a positive male figure in Minjee's life, even just a teacher, would be beneficial.

The connection between Mr. Park and Minjee wasn't the only thing Chaeyoung noticed that made her heart feel warm. Mr. Park himself had such a secure and friendly personality, instantly making her feel at ease and safe.

Chaeyoung was a mama bear, she may look small but she was always on high alert, wary of anyone or anything coming close to her and her daughter. Trust had to be earn and worked hard for. That why it surprised Chaeyoung that she, herself, felt like she could trust Mr. Park within seconds of meeting him. When Minjee opened up to him right away, that only grounded her feeling deeper.

It surely didn't help that he was absolutely gorgeous.

Tall with golden skin, tiny moles kissed over his cheek and at the tip of his nose. His eyes were expressive and inviting, winkling at the edges when he smiled. That million dollar smile. It was genuine and bright, even just a closed mouth grin that peaked his dimple was enough to make her protected heart flutter. He stood strong and tall, but not in a daunting way.

Chaeyoung could have swore that she had seen Mr. Park seek a couple glances at her, but she shook those thoughts as quick as possible. She didn't want to get her barely existing hopes up. The type of man that her and Minjee wanted in their lives was a rarity. Being picky was a must when it came to Minjee and herself.

They needed someone that wanted to stick around, though every bad dream and sick night. Someone who wouldn't mind when Minjee snuck into bed with them because she is scared or cold. As Minjee's mother, she would never say no to that. Someone who understood that Minjee would always come first. Chaeyoung wanted someone that loved her daughter just as much, if not more, than her.

It was a lot to ask of someone, which is why Chaeyoung was perfectly fine with just them two, it had been that way from the start. Some would say that Minjee had been a mistake, but Chaeyoung didn't see it that way. She had always wanted to be a mother, it just came much sooner than planned.

College was a different time for her. She had just started her Graphic Design program and joined multiple different clubs. Thriving was a good verb to use to describe Chaeyoung during that time. But she was young and had a lapse of judgment one night with a boy she had been seeing casually. He was handsome and had a rebel side, the good girl inside her loved the thrill.

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