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"And you promise to call me if anything happens right?"

Minjee bobbed her head.

"And go to bed on time?"

Another nod.

"Also, listen to Auntie Alice okay?"

Chanyeol could stop looking at the way her brows curved and her forehead creased in worry as she talked to Minjee, it was the cutest one out of all of her motherly facial expressions. Chaeyoung had left Minjee for a weekend before in the past but it was clear that she felt guilty because it was for her own fun this time around.

Jisoo's bachelorette getaway had been planned since before him and her had started dating, but with all that had happened Chaeyoung had let it slip her mind. They would be head to a spa retreat away from the city, Chanyeol felt like it was exactly what she needed. Minjee would be staying with Alice for most of the weekend, except for one catch that hadn't sat well with him when Chaeyoung mentioned it with a wary tone.

A whole Saturday with Junhoe.

The meeting in the park had gone as well as it possibly could have gone. It was awkward at first, especially between Minjee and Junhoe. But as the time continued. Chanyeol understood just why Chaeyoung had agreed. Junhoe was trying, asking about what she liked and what she hated, the simple things in her innocent mind.

Chanyeol would have been lying if he said it didn't hurt, seeing the genetic similarities they shared. But Chaeyoung was there, right beside him the whole time.

Her words before Junhoe had shown up brought him to tears, not because he didn't believe her but because he did believe her. Minjee looked at him like the daughter of his dreams. The love he felt for Chaeyoung and Minjee consumed and filled his heart, he could never go back to his life before.

"Love, we have to get to school." He chuckled, walking closer to her and Minjee as they sat on the couch. "The teacher can't be late."

Her beautiful eyes blinked up at him, "I know, I'm just..."

Chanyeol smiled widely, "Worried?"

"It's dumb I know," Chaeyoung sighed, rolling her eyes at herself and touched her daughters shoulder lightly. "Min, go grab your backpack. You and Channie need to leave."

He wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in a calming hug when she stood up. "It's not dumb. You're her mother, it's your job to worry, but Alice is around and there are your parents as well..."

"And you." Her voice came out muffled from her nuzzle into his chest.

"And me."

"I gave Alice your phone number just in case." She pulled away, clutching her hands on the side of his shirt.

"Chaeyoung," Chanyeol leaned in, touching his forehead to hers. "It's only a weekend."

"I know, I know." She whined as she hid her face with her hands, now he understood where Minjee got her adorable whining voice from. She took a deep breath and quickly blew it out of her nose like a cleanse. "You're right."

"You just have a good time, okay?"

She nodded and bit her lip, "I'm going to miss you."

"Trust me, I'm going to miss you much more." Chanyeol's voice deepened, a huskiness rumbling before he captured her smiling lips. Chaeyoung quietly squealed as his hands roamed and gave into the kiss.

Minjee ran down the hall breaking their privacy, her backpack bouncing on her back, bright and ready for the school day. She didn't seem not the least bit affected that her mother was leaving for the weekend, excited to spend time with her favorite aunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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