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This had been something she had feared.

Her parents had a different view and understanding, it was a little bit more open minded than most families in Korea. Chaeyoung knew from the beginning that there was this chance of Chanyeol's family not approving but actually hearing it was so much different. It hurt more than she thought it would.

She felt awful leaving Chanyeol's car like she had but her emotions got to her. Her words had been short, even moving away from his comfort which she had never done before. None of it sat well with her. Her mind knew it wasn't his fault, yet she couldn't stop herself from feeling upset that Chanyeol hadn't told her sooner. From the start of the night she knew that something had been off, yet he still charmed the hell out of her family. They absolutely loved him. Their night had been everything she had dreamed of for a first meeting, making it just that disappointing Yoora metaphorically dropped the bomb.

Chaeyoung felt like her life was out of her normal control that she had tried so hard to keep. Junhoe had tried to call and text her but she could only respond with hesitance. Her comfort zone had been broken, and now Chanyeol's parents were not fond of the idea of her and her daughter. Not only was she struggling with the decision about involving Junhoe, there now was a second negative factor and it scared her. It was becoming too much to keep in.

"Why isn't Channie sleeping over?" Minjee innocently asked. Hearing the nick name that her daughter and her family had made up earlier that night felt like a little pin to the heart.

Chaeyoung tried her best to grin as she smoothed her daughter's short and dark hair. "He wasn't feeling well, sweetie."

She hated to lie to anyone, but she especially hated to lie to the light of her life. Though, what else was she suppose to say? Minjee wouldn't understand. Kissing the little girls soft forehead, Chaeyoung tucked her into bed. The hallways felt still and quiet, no gentle hum of his deep voice as he read her daughter her favorite book as if she was his own.

With her phone in hand, her thumbs hovered over Chanyeol's name as she laid in bed. It felt empty and cold, home was beginning to not even feel like home without him around. The original plan had been to have him stay the night, like he had been so often lately, and now she was regretting how she practically had told him to leave. Just as her thumb twitch to begin typing, a message from him appeared.

Sleep well, love.

It took her no more than a couple second to reply.

I can't sleep without you.

And in less than 15 minutes, He appeared at her front door.

Chaeyoung snuggled into his side and breathed in his scent, feeling his arms tighten around her. The only comfort she would ever needed. Chanyeol turned his head and nuzzled against her hair and forehead, placing a soft kiss.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." His voice quietly rumbled against her skin, "I wanted to... but seeing how stressed you have been all week about Minjee's father, I just didn't want to add to that. It's the only thing I can help with."

"It's not your fault." She whispered, breathing in with the movement of his hand brushing down her arm. Hearing him apologize twisted her heart. "I'm sorry for getting so upset."

"You have every right to be." He assured softly, "My mother isn't normally like this, I'm not sure why she reacted the way she did." She laid a gentle kiss on the skin of her shoulder when she heard a hint of sadness as he spoke.

Her lips parted before she even had a chance to think through what she was saying, "If they disapprove, I understand if you can't continue a relationship with me. I don't want to get in between you and your parents."

Lay It All On Me • ChanroséWhere stories live. Discover now