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I already do, Chaeyoung.

His words kept playing in her head in his exact tone, over and over but didn't cause any anxiety. It was like a soothing mantra that whispered into her mind and throughout her body. Chanyeol just kept surprising her, proving his worth. He wasn't playing around or treating this lightly.

Chaeyoung has felt the slow drift of falling in love with him since the moment they met, but she had tried to brush it off. She was a careful and methodical mother, wanting the best for Minjee and herself, but how could she possibly stop this heavenly fall into him? He was everything they had wanted and needed, she knew that from the start. Chanyeol handled her obvious hesitance with confidence and maturity, she didn't even need to explain that it wasn't him. Her hesitance came from the word it of opening up, but he made it so easy to. Even if she was scared, just one look of his gaze or kiss of his lips took it away in seconds.

After their perfect date, it felt like they had reached a milestone. Though it felt quick for her, she felt like that had already built such a trusting foundation from the start that she wasn't worried, a true first. Chaeyoung was the type of woman that wanted to go as slow as possible, and they had been. However, she felt like they had already known each other in their past lives. There was this sense of calmness and security she became extremely fond of right off the back from their first kiss. For the first time in what felt like forever, she craved someone's love and touch.

When he kissed her as his goodbye, it was soft and gentle but something kicked on within her as she pulled him closer. An overwhelming emotion she couldn't describe flooded into her bloodstream as her arms snaked around his neck and she felt him pull her closer. She was the one to deepen the kiss farther than it had ever gone. It was a kiss that took both of their breaths away, she could feel his chest against hers while his hands locked underneath her ear to creating their rhythm.

She almost whined when he had pulled away first, brushing his thumb against her cheek. "You should get inside, it's getting chilly out here." Chanyeol whispered, looking adoringly deep then her eyes. It felt like he was starting to reach her soul.

"Okay." Chaeyoung barely breathed. Tonight was hitting her hard, with no mercy.

His hand guided her closer as he kissed her forehead, as his smooth and deep voice vibrates against her skin. "Sleep well."

As he drove away, she watched from her window, feeling a little pinch in her heart. It had begun to love his presence around, more than it loved being comfortable in her loneliness.

The babysitter had put Minjee, saying the little girl had fallen asleep to yet another Disney movie. Chaeyoung brushed her daughter's bangs away from her small forehead, watching her sleep peacefully from beside her after having moved Minjee into bed with her. She didn't feel like sleeping alone.

I already do, Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung pulled the Minjee's tiny frame closer to her, lining her round and similar face up with her daughters and laid a single soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

"We don't have to save the world on our own anymore, baby girl."


Being in a relationship with him felt like a dream. He was thoughtful with sweet and random calls or texts during the day just to hear her voice, or to let her know that she was on his mind. His handyman antics came to her advantage, fixing little things around her house that she hadn't gotten to or changing a lightbulb that had gone out long ago.

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