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He never knew this feeling could be real, that it could be obtained and tasted and felt with his finger tips.

That feeling was complete happiness, and it manifested in form of her.

Chanyeol had been holding himself back, he had to. Chaeyoung was too perfect to rush. She was teasingly sexy and roaringly beautiful inside and out. Any man would let his emotions and hormones get the best of them, but Chanyeol tried very hard not to push her.

When he opened his front door and saw her, bag in hand right before she latched onto him, he felt all his restraints go out with the slam of the door. Their kiss tasted different, her soft sighs and unfiltered mewls as he laid her down upon his bed drove him wild.

Chaeyoung was his to care for, his to explore, his to love but as the night continued, Chanyeol found himself being the one under her spell. He beckoned to her every will and moan, wanting more and more with each touch. He could sense she was scared, but he understood. His hands and lips treated her skin like the last water on earth.

Chanyeol took his time, making sure she felt every touch, every kiss and every nibble. He had never made love to someone so passionately before, receiving just the same amount of desire back from her.

Chaeyoung had shaken his world, completely.

The hot water felt good over the faint scratches on his back and worn out muscles as he dipped his hair back into the stream of the shower. It was washing away her scent but it didn't matter because she still laid in his bed, fast asleep. He hoped his sheets were talking in every bit of her. She looked so peaceful that he hadn't wanted to wake her, it gave him time to run and grab them breakfast anyways.

But she had a different idea.

The touch of her hands graced around his his torso and climbed up his chest, laying a lingering kiss between his wet shoulder blades as she joined him in the shower. "I'm sorry about those." Chaeyoung murmured against her little scratches.

"I thought you were sleeping." He remarked, turning around to face her and made sure to pull her into the warmth of the water.

She pouted slightly but her face glowed, "How can I when my heat source is gone?"

Chanyeol arched a brow, "So I'm just a heat source now?"

Chaeyoung giggled and placed yet another kiss on his skin, just below his collarbone. "You know you are much more than that."

The tone of her voice alone spiked his senses. Chanyeol laced his hands into her damp hair just below her eyes and gifted her lips with a teasing kiss. "You are dangerous, do you know that?"

He watched as her cheeks blushed and her eyelashes flutter down. It was fun to watch her test his limits but then become bashful when he pushed them even further. Chaeyoung was completely oblivious of her magic.

"I have to work from the office today but," Chaeyoung bit her lip as she trailed off, "I can come over later?" She suggested.

"When do you need to get Minjee by?" Chanyeol inquired.

She shook her head, dipping her long hair into the water. His eyes couldn't help but trace over her slender curves, he was a lucky man. "Not till tomorrow evening."

Lay It All On Me • ChanroséWhere stories live. Discover now