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Chanyeol wanted to kiss her again.

And again, and again for the rest of his life.

He couldn't help stealing another taste of her lips once Chaeyoung had put Minjee to bed when they finally arrived back at her place. Now that they had taken such a simple, yet world shaking step, his excitement was getting the best of him. They were adults after all, he had never been the shy type and even though she seemed to be bashful some moments, Chaeyoung wasn't afraid to show her affections either.

"What was that for?" She breathed, her almond eyes still closed from his kisses when he pulled away. His hands still rested on the sides of her face delicately.Without responding, Chanyeol leaned down and kissed her softly, saying all that he needed to say.

"Can't get enough already?" Chaeyoung teasingly asked when her eyes finally fluttered open to gaze up into his.

Chanyeol grinned and shook his head, "No, never."

"Bold answer for it only being our day 1." She laughed softly.

"Our day 1, huh?" He cocked his head and rose a brow, teasing her back. Their day had gone so, so well but he hadn't expected her to 'jump in' like she was.

During the carnival, he tried not to let the fact that she seemed to be hesitant at eat away at his mind. Though, When she would unconsciously touch his arm or lean into him, it helped settle his thoughts but still, Chanyeol could sense something from her. He didn't want to push anything or rush anything but the kiss had felt right, her eyes seemed to call for him in that moment and he took it.

Hearing and feeling her reciprocation after his worries made him soar, especially now that he knew she was counting today at their start. They were starting.

A pink tint spread onto her round cheeks as her lips parted to speak, words barely stuttering out of her mouth. "I want to try this," She patted her hands softly on his chest, much more touchy than he thought she would be. "But...one day at a time, okay? "

There was that hesitance in her voice and eyes again.

Though he didn't blame her or feel like he was getting rejected. Chanyeol was sound enough to know that her hesitance was not coming from her lack of confidence in him as a partner, it was about allowing someone else into their life. Patience would be his virtue. Taking their time was not a problem, and he wasn't going to make it one.

Chanyeol softened, bringing a hand to wrap around one of hers firmly that was still placed against his chest. He figured she could feel his rib-shaking heart beat. "Of course. Just know that I'm ready and prepared for anything you throw at me." He assured, his voice confident but quiet, "Fire away, give me your best shot."

"You aren't afraid?" Chaeyoung wondered quietly.

He shook his head softly as he answered with complete honesty, "Not one bit."

No part of their life scared him. The only thing that absolutely terrified Chanyeol was his fear of losing Chaeyoung and Minjee, especially with how little time they had know each other. It wasn't like him to have become so attached but he had stopped asking himself why weeks into knowing them.

"So..." Her eyes fluttered to his hand that was still holding hers, "We are really doing this?"

His mouth twitched, watching their beginning spark in her beautiful and hopeful eyes. With a reassuring squeeze of the hand that her eyes were locked on, Chanyeol leaned his forehead against hers and breathed in her scent. He felt at home.

Lay It All On Me • ChanroséWhere stories live. Discover now