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He looked the same.

Junhoe dressed the same and sounded the same, with his boyish grin and thick brows that had caught her all those years ago.

But it was all those years ago.

Chaeyoung's heart sped up, she never thought this would ever happen. There was no plan for what to tell Minjee if it ever did. She glanced to Minjee standing at Chanyeol's leg, hiding being it shyly like she always did around strangers. Chanyeol's stance was protective with a hard stare at Junhoe, but she could tell he was confused. And so was she, not even knowing what to say to her daughter's father. It infuriated her because she always knew what to do when it came to Minjee.

"Can we help you?" Chanyeol spoke up, his voice pleasantly deep but with a tone of warning.

Junhoe look around their faces hesitantly, just as lost. "I saw you guys in the coffee shop and I thought, I'm-" He stumbled on his words but Chaeyoung took the chance to cut him off, afraid of what he was about to say in front of her daughter. They weren't ready for this.

She turned swiftly to Chanyeol who immediately turn his attention to her, "Can you take her to school with you?"

"Of course."

Chaeyoung smiled at the trust in his eyes. It didn't seem like Chanyeol was questioning her and she appreciated it immensely. "I'll explain later."

Chanyeol lifted Minjee into his arms, "Let's get you to school, kiddo. Give your mother a kiss."

He leaned Minjee closer, allowing Chaeyoung to place a kiss on her daughter's forehead, and one onto his cheek as well. She watched them drive away in his car before turning back to Junhoe, crossing her arms in guard.

"Is that..." He trailed off, his eyes watching the car behind her.

Chaeyoung nodded, unsure how to act. She hadn't seen Junhoe since the day she told him that she was pregnant, and he made it clear he wasn't ready to have a child. "Her name is Minjee."

"This is kind of crazy, running into you guys." He wavered, his voice shifting into a nervous chuckle. "Although your husband's glare was a little intimidating."

"Oh," She breathed, something about hearing Junhoe called Chanyeol her husband made her heart skip. "He's not my husband, but boyfriend. He can be a little protective."

Junhoe cleared his throat awkwardly, "Ah, that's good though."

Chaeyoung blinked at him, waiting for whatever it was he wanted to say and why he followed them out from the coffee shop. She had no intention of allowing Junhoe into Minjee's life, definitely not after all this time.

"Is there something you were wanting to talk about...?" She inquired. Chaeyoung prayed that he wouldn't even ask. It had been her and Minjee for so long that she had never thought about Junhoe coming back into her daughter's life.

"I don't know," Junhoe sighed, wincing from the uncomfortable atmosphere. "Seeing her in real life is... I don't know. I've been thinking about college and, of course, you and her and then seeing you guys here. It feel like the world is trying to tell me something."

Chaeyoung rose her eyebrows, knowing what was coming. "Like what?"

"I should at least have some part in my kids life."

She scoffed, hearing the words. How was she suppose to believe that? Suddenly, almost eight years being a single mother, she's just suppose to allow the father back in? That wasn't happening.

"Junhoe, it's a little too late." Chaeyoung sighed and turned towards her car, not seeing the need for anymore conversation.

"Look!" He called, she heard the scuff of his sneakers as he ran up next to her as she opened her car door. "I'm not looking to be her father. I mean, we both know I'm not the father type." He sounded desperate.

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