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There was something in the way that he carried himself. Chaeyoung didn't want to be cliche but, he was a man. A man who was more than capable to handle anything and anyone but also had a kind heart and soul. She wondered how someone like him was single.

As she walked with Minjee to the front of the school, Chaeyoung watched him while his attention was on the children running out their morning wiggles. It was a nice day, with blue shy and a warm sun. His hand was held up, blocking the sun from his eyes. She sighed dreamily inside her head, Park Chanyeol seemed to get more and more handsome every time she saw him.

"Good Morning, Minjee." He greeted, his deep voice was so soothing in the morning. Chaeyoung thought he looked tired though, his eyes slightly puffy and his hair just a little bit messier than normal. The caring, motherly side of her wanted to touch his forehead and make sure he didn't have a fever, maybe he was sick or didn't sleep well.

He poked Minjee's nose and grinned before peering up into the sky. "Good you brought a coat today, it's supposed to rain today."

Minjee burrowed her eyebrows in confusion and joined his view on the sky, "Rain? But it's sunny and I don't see any clouds."

"Look out the window towards the end of the day and you'll see these big and dark clouding rolling into Seoul."

Chaeyoung smiled as she listened to Chanyeol explain the weather to Minjee, gesturing with his hands and expressing his love for teaching in his eyes. His attention on her daughter never ceased to amaze her. When men normally talked to them, their attention was mostly on Chaeyoung and she hated that. But with Chanyeol, things were so different. He always greeted Minjee first and carried a conversation. If she could spend all day watching the two of them talk and interact, she would in a heartbeat.

"Chaeyoung, it's good to see you."

Her eyes fluttered to his as he stood up, she always forgot how tall he actually was until they were standing next to each other. They hadn't seen each other since the festival a week ago. Chanyeol couldn't stay with them much longer after their hot chocolate, since he had administrative to handle during, but Chaeyoung has enjoyed their short time. The disappointing feeling when he left their presence took Chaeyoung by surprise.
She wanted more time, longer conversations, and more longing glances.

And just like now, all the time they were given only allowed waves and hellos before the school bell rang. Chanyeol glanced back at the building as the children started running inside.

"That's our queue, MJ."

Chaeyoung leaned down and kissed her daughter's head of hair, "Be good, pay attention. If it starts raining like Mr. C mentioned, stay inside." She instructed as Minjee nodded her head spastically.

When she stood back straight, his eyes were directly on her, the edges of his mouth curling just ever so slightly. Their eye contact felt like unspoken communication, like they both knew that this could be more, but neither knew how to make that step. At least, she hoped that's what his sparkling, deep brown eyes were telling her. This was the first time she actually felt the way she did, even if she hadn't completely figured it out yet. Chanyeol had uncovered feelings that she hadn't felt in years and it was only the beginning of a beginning.

"Have a good day, Chaeyoung." Chanyeol nodded gently but his eyes looked like they wanted to say more.

Her mouth curled into a soft yet sweet smile, "You as well, Chanyeol."

He lead Minjee away towards the building, calling out to her to be careful when she ran to a friend that she had seen. His care for her daughter was her favorite thing, it seemed so easy for him. Chaeyoung watched as he walked away, biting her lip bashfully but was caught off guard when he turned his head to look back at her. She had been caught, but hoped that he didn't notice the growing blush on her cheeks as they heated. Chaeyoung loved when he lingered his eyes with hers, she could get lost in him if she wasn't careful.

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