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Chanyeol has never been a phone glued to his hand type of guy, but this morning he couldn't stop looking at it. He was hearing imaginary dings or vibrations that he swore he felt. Though every time he checked, the screen was empty. No notifications of call or text in sight

Or a call or text from her.

The car wasn't done at the shop yet, that was another reason Chanyeol was so anxious for his phone to ring. If her car was done, he could call her. Hearing her voice this morning would brighten the rest of his day.

The previous night felt like a dream once Chanyeol got home and even when he got up this morning, regardless of how tired he was from the late night. Hearing Chaeyoung voice out loud that he wasn't the only one that felt the way he did, that she felt the pull between them too made Chanyeol feel like his world just stopped and drifted into place. He got a taste of them and their life and boy was he ready to dive in completely. Though, he didn't want to scare Chaeyoung or cross any lines. Chanyeol would go at whatever pace she set.

He tried to get rid of his anxiety as he drove to work, the early morning sun shining into his car illuminating the spot where she had sat. The seat looked so empty to him, it was missing something, like her beautiful smile next to him. His heart about jumped out of his chest when it rang, filling his lonely.


"Mm, hey Yeol." It wasn't her, but his cousin. "That car you had dropped off yesterday is finished. We got it done first thing when we got in like you asked."

"Thanks, Sehun. You can charge the balance to my card. I want it paid before she gets there." Chanyeol requested, pulling his car into the school parking lot.

Sehun laughed, "She?"


"I was wondering who's car it is, a little too girly for your style." Sehun joked.

Chanyeol smiled, thinking about the owner of the car. "We will have to grab a beer and I'll tell you all about it."

"Is that a smile in your voice I hear?"

"Thanks again, Sehun." Chanyeol chuckled and hung up, ignoring his cousin's teasing.

He got out of his car quickly and into his sacred work space, silent and peaceful before the pleasant chaos that would start in less than an hour. Chanyeol's phone was pressed between his ear and his shoulder, wanting to call Chaeyoung as soon as possible and unlock his classroom. She blessed his ears with her voice within two rings.

"Hey, I was just about to call you." Chanyeol's heart genuinely sighed, god she was something.

"Good morning. Your car is all done at the shop." Chanyeol spoke brightly.


"Must have been a slow morning." He fibbed. She didn't have to know that he had personally asked Sehun to work on her car first.

Chaeyoung sighed in relief, causing Chanyeol to feel assured that he had complete what he wanted to. Make their life just a little bit easier. "That's amazing. I'll have Jisoo drop me off now, she will bring Minjee to school."

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