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Chanyeol placed his hands on his hip and lowered his head in defeat while the rain continued. It may have been a little selfish but he wanted to save the day and send them on their way.

But her spare was defective, flat right when it pulled it from the trunk.

The least he could do was call a tow truck and get the car to the repair shop that his cousin owned, they were the best and she deserved to get her car back as quick as possible. Chanyeol jogged back his his car and shielded himself from the rain, getting in a soon as he could to grab his phone. The call to the tow truck was first, then the repair shop second. He tried to ignore the itch in the back in his throat and the headache that had been lingering all day. Sleep the night before had been a difficult, it was a tell-tell sign that he was getting sick. It's not like standing out in the rain helped either, but it was for them.

These two girls were all that he could see.

When jogged to Chaeyoung's car and leaned in the passenger side door, not wanting to get her leather seats wet, she looked had him with a wide, hopeful expression.

"Not great news... your spare is defective." He sighed. Chanyeol hated to see the wave of stress rush over her as her eye brows creased.

Chaeyoung nodded, her eyes bouncing around to her to locate her phone. "Okay, I'm going to need a tow truck then." She brought her nails to her mouth, clearly becoming more stressed by the minute. "And a good repair shop." He reached out and touched her forearm softly, haltering its search for her phone.

"I took care of it, the tow truck is on its way." He stated, grinning lightly when her head snapped his way in surprise.

"You did?"

Chanyeol nodded, "Let's get you and Minjee into my car, I'll drive you two home."

He saw her contemplate and look back at Minjee who was still sleeping, "Okay." She said softly, a small smile adorning her lips

Chaeyoung woke up Minjee as gently as she could while Chanyeol stood over them with his jacket to cover the downpour. She easily could carry her work bag and purse all while lifting Minjee into her arms. He wasn't surprised, she had been doing things on her own from day one. He helped her close doors and open them while she got Minjee situated in his car before he opened the passenger side door for Chaeyoung. Before she slipped in, Chaeyoung turned under the jacket and looked up at him. It seemed like both of their breathes hitched as he noticed how close they actually were, his eyes dancing over her soft features.

"You keep saving my day." She breathed, her eyes following his own. Chanyeol watched her enter into his car. Despite all the misfortunes, this felt right.

His clothes were soaked, through and though. Chanyeol could feel them sticking to his skin as get settled into the driver seats and turned the heat on full blast. Minjee was still hazy from her nap, wondering aloud why they were with Mr. C but she had a silly, tired smile on her face, not disappointed at all. Chanyeol could see her through his rear view mirror.

The car ride was filled with Chaeyoung calling who he figured was a close friend, telling them about the situation and her directing him where her house was as the phone call continued. She was so cute explain everything, getting left and right mixed up at times but he still managed to understand her.

It was a simple and quaint two story house, with a brick barrier around a cement courtyard decorated with some pots of flowers. It wasn't large, but it seemed perfect for the two of them.

Chaeyoung unbuckled her seat belt and turned hesitantly towards him. Chanyeol knew this was where she would thank him and goodbye but... he didn't want them to leave his presence. He wanted expecting anything is return, the only thing he wanted was just to be around.

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