Chapter 1 - Breakup

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A/N- Hey guys and gals, or whoever reads the crap I post, here's a story I've been wanting to do for ages. I hope you enjoy it.

23rd of July- I'm now editing the whole story.

I drummed my finger on the edge of the cafe table, staring into space. My boyfriend, Jacob, was late for our date again.

Not that I could complain. He'd never listen. He was a little bit narcissistic, believing the sun shone out of his ass.

Our conversations normally contained if my day had gone well, then quickly manifested into his entire life story.

I shouldn't complain. I really liked Jake, and if he didn't arrive that didn't matter...

"(Y/N)!" Jake waved his hands in front of my daydreaming face, sat across from me. I had no idea he'd even arrived. When I looked at him, he sighed.

Uh oh. Normally he grins when he sees me. The sort of 'You happy to see me?' grin.

"What's up?" I ask, trying to look concerned. But, as always, I knew whatever bothered him wasn't really that interesting. He was a narcissistic drama queen.

"I've done something stupid, (Y/N)..." He put his head in his hands.

When haven't you done something stupid, I thought. It seems to be your thing.

"What? What have you done?"

"I... I cheated on you." He muttered quietly.

Wait, what? What, what, what?

"Wha-who-when... Why?" I couldn't form the right sentence. Of course Jake would just come out with that. Of course.

"So...yeah." Jake seemed nervous under my glare, which I wasn't even aware of doing.

He bit his lip. "I think we should break up, anyway. We have nothing in common."

He was really blunt. "Wow." I said sarcastically, smiling. "After all we've been through-"

"We have only been dating for a month, (Y/N). We haven't even been in the same bed yet!"

"That's because I feel like I'm too young!" A 16 year old dating a 18 year old didn't seem ideal at first, but I thought I had fallen I love.

"Well, that's something we agree on. I need somebody more mature, anyway."

I scoffed. " 'More mature'? Fine. That's it. I'm going."

I stood up, the chair scraping behind me. A few people were staring.

I grabbed my schoolbag--I'd only just come from class-- and got out of the cafe as fast as I could. I started walking down the sidewalk, debating internally about tommorow nights' party. Anything to take my mind off of what happened.

My best friend recently bought a huge house in the next town over, and thought it was a good idea to show it off in a huge house party.

What was that town called again?

Oh yeah, Derry. I used to live there with my parents as a kid, but when all my friends told them about their parents' friends going missing just like ours, we moved away.

Good thing they did. I had reaccuring nightmares about this dude coming to kill me.

"You'll float one day, (Y/N)" He said.

I shivered. Not a good thought to linger on.

I got home and opened the door. "Hello, (Y/N), dear." I said to myself in a posh British voice. "How lovely, you're home. Come sit by the fire, put your feet up, and I'll get you your favourite meal."

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