Chapter 17- Thanksgiving

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Who's going to die?

Sometimes I ask myself why I do the things I do.

Like, why I had left home. Or, why I'd decided to get Pennywise a meal.

Or, more importantly, why I'd left Charlie's baseball bat unattended for Beverly to find. If I'd, for instance, moved it beforehand, I wouldn't be in the position I was.

Let me go back to the beginning.

It was Thanksgiving day, and I was sat on the side of my bed. I was getting ready to meet the Losers.

Charlie had invited Billy over for Thanksgiving, and Bill asked if he could bring his gang along.

We all said it was okay. But Billy forewarned me that the group didnt know about my 'condition' because they may lash out.

I was scared that something might happen. I wouldn't even be able to fight back if one of them did decide to harm either me or the baby.

I was way weaker than the day we got the little yellow and white dress, which was hung on a clothes hanger on the closet door.

It was a constant reminder of my situation.

I head a knock on the front door, and I sighed out when I heard it.

Here we go, I thought as I grabbed the headrest to help me up.

I heard Charlie run to the door and open it, the sounds of pleasant comments and welcomes wafted up the stairs, not to mention the smell of turkey.

I waddled out of my room and to the landing, looking down the stairs with a gulp.

Luckily Harry was just coming out of Charlie's room, so he ran over and grabbed my hand.

He helped me down the stairs, and when we turned for the last bit of it I saw Bill chatting to about 4 men and one woman.

I remembered Bill telling me their names.


Well, I could guess who Beverly was.

They all looked at me when I got to the bottom of the stairs, one or two smiling and some frowning.

In amongst the frowning men, was Beverly also frowning.

"Hello." Oof, my voice sounded weakened. "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you."

I gave the group a small smile.

Y'know, theres just some people you take to instantly. Take Richie and Eddie, for example.

"Hey, I'm Eddie. Nice to meet you." Eddie introduced himself, smiling. "Congrats." He waved his hand around to gesture my belly.

Richie jumped in- not that I knew it was him- with a grin. "My wife is pregnant too."

Eddie gave him a look. "You're married?"

"Yeah." The taller male turned to the shorter one. He paused to stare into Eddie's eyes. "Me and your mom are very happy."

We all chuckled. "Fuck off asshole." Eddie shoved Richie away playfully.

And that's how you begin to like people. I found myself instantly warmed towards the guys.

"Who's the father?" Mike asked, looking around as if the dad would miraculously appear.

"Wow, uh..." I chewed the inside of my cheek.

Bill dived in to save me. "Who wants to play football?" He turned to Harry. "You guys got a football?"

Harry nodded and went to get it.

Pennywise x reader--A Halloween party to remember (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now