Chapter 6- Time is running away

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Weeks. That's how long it took. Weeks.
It took weeks for someone to even notice that Jake had 'disappeared' not to mention Kurt.

I'd told my parents I would stay a while longer in Derry, to keep an eye on Charlie's mental state. I mean, kids are going missing all over the place, and Charlie lives on her own in that damn house, so why would I leave?

Of course that caused an arguement. They told me that I might go missing, and that I would not be able to cope especially after 'Jake hasn't returned home and we and his parents fear he disappeared too'.

I didnt care about any of that.

What I cared about most was the fact that no clowns or even handsome men had been in my presence since the party.

Even the children had stopped disappearing, old missing posters looking kinda lonely up on the police stations walls.

Yeah, that's where I was. With the cops.

"And how well did you know Jake Carlton?"

A gruff man, his voice seemingly aged from cigarettes, was sat across from me, holding some papers, ready to write down every word I spoke.

His name tag read 'P.C Jones'.

"Well, I was his girlfriend before Moriah-" The midget he was making out with, if you didnt know. "- but it seems like I didn't really know him, you know?"

Jones sighed. "I'm not a psychiatrist, you dont need to tell me like you would a friend. Just say 'not that much' or something."

I tried my best to smile at Jones, but I felt he could be more friendly or something.


He throatily coughed, and set down the papers.

"Alright, I have enough from you now, get home to that haunted house."

He gave me a grin.

'Well heck that wasnt at all funny.' I thought, faking a giggle.

"Oh yeah...back to the uh...ghosties!"
He nodded and gestured me to leave.

I stumbled out of the police station, feeling a bit dizzy. That interview went way too fast for any valuable information to be take from me. It's almost like they didn't care if I did know anything or not.

Okay, so I haven't been entirely honest about the night of the party. I may have 'forgotten' some things that could explain why Charlie is currently  hiding in bed, not leaving her room unless shes hungry or needs to go to the bathroom.

She saw Pennywise. Yeah. About five minutes after Jake died, the clown and I were still staring into each others eyes- though I feel like he was staring into my soul- and Charlie was apparently getting agitated alone in my room, so she came to find me...

The night of the party

He sniffed me. "Yes, very interesting..."
We stayed staring into each other's eyes for I dont know how long.

"(Y/n)? What are you-?" Charlie teetered out of the house, standing on the porch.

She looked at me. And then to Pennywise. And then to me.

"D-do you see him too?" She stuttered, stumbling backwards as if to get away.  When I nodded, she asked:
"There really is a clown?"

Pennywise grinned at her. "Hello, Charlie." He almost purred the words, sniffing the air. He was trying to smell fear.

"Pennywise, no. Stop being creepy. You will not eat Charlie." I told him sternly. He was slightly taken aback.

"He eats people?!?" Charlie was back by the door now, ready to make a run for it.

"Well, yeah, but he is actually kinda nice-" I begun, but Charlie cut me off by shaking her head.

"He's probably gonna eat you too, (Y/n)! Get away from her!" She hissed the  last sentence at Pennywise, grabbing an old axe for chopping wood- god knows where she gets all these damn weapons- and charged at him.

She was actually quite successful. Despite slipping on Jake's brains and other stuff on the floor, the axe still made contact with the clowns' huge head.

I gasped and attempted to push Charlie away from him. She let go of the axe and backed away.

I looked at Pennywise, biting my lip.
His face was all distorted, but no blood seeped from the wound. He growled angrily at Charlie, trying to swipe at her.

He kept missing.

He sighed and backed off into the woods. I went after him, shouting "Wait! Wait-" but Charlie grabbed my arm and yanked me inside.

Back to the present

I sighed as I entered the huge house, shutting the door quietly.

The house was silent, which wasnt too odd, especially when the owner was sleeping 24/7.

I automatically went into the kitchen to get some snacks. Hey, I'm a small 16 year old human, having breakfast an hour ago means nothing.

I found some chips and began eating them, planking myself onto the couch.
I considered (whisper)shouting for Pennywise, to see if he'd come back.
He never does. So I didn't bother.

I finished the bag of chips and screwed it up into a tight ball. I then spent at least 20 minutes attempting to throw it into the trash.

My life was moving in slow motion. It was kinda boring.

I sat in a sad silence. Only to jump in surprise when someone knocked on the door.

I jumped up off of the couch and ran to the door, desperate for (friendly) human contact.

The person at the door took me aback.
"You. What are you doing here?"

He sighed. "Cant I come to see my little sister? Mom was telling me that you aren't coming home yet, so i thought I'd spent my vacation with you."

I chuckled humorlessly. "A vacation? In Derry? Oh well, come in then."

He came in and sat on the couch with me, throwing his case aside.

"Wheres Charlie?" He asked, pretending to be nonchalant about the question. But it's a well known fact that Harry (L/n) has a crush on Charlie. He always has.

I grinned. "Oh, yknow. In bed. Care to join her?"

He blushed. "Well...if she didn't mind.."

I knew Harry might cheer her up, so I had I go up to her lair (or bedroom as most humans call it) and attempt to yank her out of her slumber.

"So, Harold, would you care for a cup of tea, good sir?" I put on a high British tone, standing up and bowing.
He caught onto the joke, using his own British accent.
"Why, yes, thank you, (Y/n). And make it snappy."

I smiled genuinely for the first time in a few days.

Things might be getting better.


Oof this is the longest chapter yet

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