Chapter 14: visions

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When I was little, maybe about 11 ish, I used to slip out of the house late at night and go to the woods.

There was this little clearing where I'd lay and talk to the stars.

I'd tell them about my day and how I felt, and how my parents were treating me and Harry.

The stars would always listen, and I'd feel warmer inside.

One day, as I was laying under the stars, I got extremely drowsy and found myself falling asleep.

I dreamt of wonderful things, many I couldn't even remember, and at the end before I woke up, I saw the most adorable child in the world.

It had light brown hair that simmered in the light. Its eyes gleamed a startling blue.

Freckles dotted its complexion, and it turned to me.

"Mommy?" It asked.

Present day-

Thanksgiving was coming up soon, and Charlie was all stressed cos of my pregnancy and if I'd 'make to then'.

She thought I hadn't heard her say that, and when she noticed me looking at her and Harry, I put on a forced smile.

Why did everyone think that is was gonna die? I'm stronger than they knew.

Subconsciously my hands felt around my bump as I wove some Christmas decorations. Stuff to take my mind off of life.

"(Y/n)." Harry called.

I looked up and across the room to the pair, where Charlie was busting herself on her phone.


He started walking over. "I was thinking, maybe we should buy some baby clothes and toys today?"

I blinked once. Twice. "Baby clothes? But is it even.."

"I dunno, but it seemed pretty human looking to me." He replied, kinda reading my mind.

I shrugged and put the handmade decorations aside. Harry helped me up- I was getting weaker by the day- and smiled warmly at me, as if he was thinking about how strong I really was.

We went out to the car- oh yeah, Harry has a car by the way- and he helped me slump into the passenger seat.

The engine hummed to life and we drove down the empty street until houses began to appear and we were closer to town.

We stopped by a cute baby shop with little outfits sitting in the window.

He helped me out of the car, and I went to the window and peered inside.

On display was the prettiest dress I'd seen.

It remained me of something, but I couldn't remember what.

It was white and yellow and embroidered with lace.

I sighed, remembering how sure I was about having a boy. Any baby would look adorable in that dress.

We entered the shop and the little bell tinkled above us, announcing our arrival.

The shop owner, who was doing something behind the counter, abruptly stood when she heard us come in, and banged her head on a low shelf.

"Oh, are you okay?" I asked, putting my hands of the cool glass of the counter.

She nodded and smiled. "I'm fine, dont worry. I've probably done worse..." she trailed off and looked at the shelf angrily as if it intended to hurt her.

"Um, may I ask, how much is that dress in the window?" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course, the little white one?" She came from behind the counter and strode over to the window display. As  she passed the radio, she stopped and turned it up a bit, smiling to herself.

I recognised the sounds of Bicycle Race by Queen. She turned back to the display and retrieved the dress carefully.

"This is an antique, made in the Victorian era. I think..." she studied it for a second, before turning to me and smiling again.

"Does that mean its expensive?" Harry groaned, looking at my eager expression and back to the garment.

The lady shook her head. "Nope, it's just very old and nice to look at." She replied sarcastically. I liked this woman.

I giggled and the lady laughed. "Well. I guess I could lower the price if she wants it. She seems different from all the other mothers that come in."

"My name is (y/n), and thanks...?" I let her fill in the blank with her name.

"Joss. Anyway, are you gonna buy the dress? I'm assuming it's a girl."

I shook my head. "We dont know. It could be a boy."

Joss shrugged and went back to the counter with the dress. "Boys can wear dresses." She muttered, and gave me a grin.

I grinned back.

"So...its 25 dollars then."

"Wait, you said it was expensive.." said Harry, suspicious.

"I also said I'll lower the price." She looked at him like he was the dumbest person she'd met.

"Oh." Harry muttered awkwardly, and retrieved his credit card from his wallet.

As he paid, I decided to look around. I guessed we would only get the dress then.

We smiled at Joss, and told her that we'd be back another day for more clothes.

She said she looked forward to it.

Unfortunately...she disappeared after that.

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